Going on Adventure with Jesus

Adventure with Jesus series of Bible Studies by Melanie Newton

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The Gospels, Acts, and Adventure with Jesus today:

There are 4 studies in the “Adventure with Jesus” series. These studies cover Jesus’ life in the Gospels, how His followers lived the adventure with Him in the book of Acts, and how you can live life as an adventure with Him every day.

We recommend that you start with the first book in the series and work through the study guides in sequential order. Yet, you can still do them individually and not miss anything.

Read the descriptions below of each study in the “Adventure with Jesus” series. Click on the pictures and links to access the free downloads or get the paperback books. All are also available in the fillable “Type and save your answer” digital version from my store. All of them have matching podcasts to enhance your own study.

Book 1—Heartbreak to Hope: Good News from Mark

Heartbreak to Hope-Book Image

Heartbreak to Hope is an 11-lesson study of the Gospel of Mark. You will learn about Jesus’ life on earth, how He related to people, what He taught, and why knowing Him brings hope to your life.

We all experience the heartache of rejection, the pain of loneliness, or a sense of uncertainty at some time in our lives. This study will give you confidence that every heartbreak, pain and uncertainty can be overcome by Christ’s hope, healing and love. Read more…

Book 2—Radical Acts: The Fire of the Spirit Erupting through Believers

Radical Acts-Book Image

Radical Acts is an 11-lesson study of the book of Acts. In amazement, you will see the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers. Through this study, you will gain an appreciation and expectation for the Holy Spirit’s work in your own life. You will see how your own life can have a profound and far-reaching effect.

The Lord Jesus wants to take you on adventure with Him. Are you ready for adventure? This study will take you there. Read more…

Book 3—Graceful Living: Experience a life of freedom and joy

Graceful Living Bible Study-Book Image

Graceful Living is an 11-lesson study of the essential truths that permeate your life in Christ and your adventure with Him. The key is understanding God’s grace given to you, not just for salvation but also for daily living. That is essential for you to enjoy the life that God offers to you.

This study will lead you to a life of adventure with Jesus that overflows with freedom and joy. Read more…

Book 4—Live Out His Love: Experience & Share the Compassion of Jesus for Women

Live Out His Love-Book Image

Live Out His Love is an 11-lesson study of 16 New Testament women.
Some of them directly experienced Jesus’ love and care for them during His earthly life. Others experienced that love after they believed in Him though they never met Him personally. That’s when their life of adventure began. And, they shared what they experienced with others so they could know Him as they lived out His love.

This study will teach you how you can do that, too. All the applications prepare you for making disciples of Jesus with anyone He brings into your life. Just relax, trust in Him, and begin an adventure that will transform your life and others as well. Read more…

May the Lord show you how much you can trust Him as you learn to study the Bible for yourself and grow in your Bible-teaching skills to lead others on a joyful walk with Him. Stepping through life satisfied by Jesus leads to a Joyful Walk!

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