Reboot Renew Rejoice Bible Study: God’s Powerful Presence in the Chronicles

1st and 2nd Chronicles Bible Study

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide
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Do you need a reboot in your life?

Do you want to renew your relationship with God in a more committed way? Do you feel insecure about what’s happening in the world? Reboot Renew Rejoice Bible Study will answer those questions through a study of 1 and 2 Chronicles. You will learn that God offers every human being a rebooted spiritual life through His gospel message.

God uses reboots to get us going in the right direction whenever we get sidetracked. And His powerful presence helps you get through any obstacle or worry. Get Reboot Renew Rejoice and see God’s powerful presence working in any situation and through any person great or small.

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What women are saying about this study:

Trusted and true study. Great historical information. Great cross references. I grew in my walk with The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords. Thank you

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making your Bible Studies available online and for free. I cannot begin to tell you what a blessing they are in my life. Having moved to a new town almost a year ago I have struggled to find a church that has a strong women’s Bible Study group – well, any women’s Bible Study group actually! But your Bible Studies have proved to be the life-line that I need to keep growing in the Lord and in my faith. I wanted you to know that because of your generosity and your faithfulness in your ministry that you have really helped me personally to continue to grow in my faith. I am sure that many, many other lives are touched by your faithfulness too. Thank you for making a difference. (Shirley)

I found this study provided encouragement to me daily as I completed it. I really liked the historical background information. And, the ties into the New Testament were both insightful and encouraging. (Kim)

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