Philippians Bible Study

Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy!

10 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide
Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy-Book Image

Also in Spanish

Are you hungry for joy in your life? Are you ready to get out of the cycle of continual disappointment?

Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! studies Paul’s letter to the Philippians-a well-crafted expression of gratitude and joy that comes through your relationship with Jesus Christ. The deeper your relationship with Jesus and with His people the greater the joy that awaits you and the less that joy is dependent on external circumstances.

Jesus is the one who promises to complete His work in you and strengthens you in every circumstance. He gives you the motivation and the power to serve Him with joy and causes you to be content. Christ supplies your every need from His glorious riches and longs to produce joy in your life. Let this study of Philippians encourage you to know JESUS and know JOY!

Get “Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy!” here.

What women are saying about this study:

I like Melanie’s studies because she uses scripture to interpret scripture and makes me use my brain to think about what I am reading. You will be blessed abundantly if you use this study to get into God’s word and apply it to your life, because “He who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion until the day of Christ.” (Dawn)

Excellent! This in depth study of Philippians was a great blessing to our ladies and included participants from several churches. We took turns facilitating and enjoyed the podcasts together.

Awesome studies!!!

The material you have written is very helpful, especially all the notes on the backgrounds and the traditions and culture and use of certain words. Thank you for doing so much work and making the book of Philippians come alive! (May Chin)

As my guiding word for the year is joy, I chose to do your study, Knowing Jesus, Knowing Joy. The observations, insights and thought-provoking questions have been wonderful Spirit-tools to drawing me closer to Jesus, the source of all joy. (Debbie)

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“Knowing Jesus-Joy” podcasts

¡Conociendo a Jesus…Conociendo el Gozo!

Spanish translation of an older version of Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy!

We are TEAM missionaries in Mexico. We have used your Bible Study in Spanish on Philippians and are just finishing it now. Thank you! (Sandy)

Get “¡Conociendo a Jesus…Conociendo el Gozo!” here.

Who wrote Philippians?

The apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians while he was in prison in Rome. The Philippian believers had collected a gift of money and sent it to him so Paul’s confinement would be more comfortable. This church was closer to Paul than was any other church. Paul rejoiced as he wrote this letter to thank the church and to express his love for them. They all lived out the joy of knowing Jesus.

What is joy?

The world defines joy as happiness from good happenings, like success, good health, and good fortune. If circumstances aren’t so good, it’s very hard to have a joyful walk if that’s your definition of joy. But, for believers in Jesus Christ, we have access to a different kind of joy-biblical joy. Biblical joy is a deep, inner gladness, regardless of circumstances, regardless of people or things. It doesn’t find its source in anything earthly. Biblical joy is supernatural. It is inseparable from the character of God and comes only from a relationship with Him and is available to every believer. Read my blog “Release Your Expectations of Acceptable Outcomes” as a means for enhancing your joy.

Image credit: photo by Gerd Altman, sourced at (abstract-4497349_1920.jpg)