Establish New and Young Christians
Jesus followers become disciplemakers
This is the ESTABLISH phase of lifestyle disciplemaking
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Every Christian needs God’s truth and community
After you have connected with the nonbelievers in your life and shared the gospel with them, anyone who trusts in Christ needs to be established in their faith. This is called discipling. In reality, every Christian needs to get rooted in the basic truths related to being a Christian and to get connected with a community of believers to continue learning. This is the ESTABLISH phase of lifestyle disciplemaking.
- Read the blog, “Establish: Give Believers Strong Roots” to find out what they need to know.
- Get the Live Out His Love Bible Study. Lifestyle disciplemaking “CONNECT” and “ESTABLISH” activities are interwoven throughout this study of New Testament women.
- If you are a ministry leader, host a “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” retreat or conference for the women of your church.
Join our “Lifestyle Disciplemaking” newsletter list. Click on this link and choose “Interested in lifestyle disciplemaking” as your experience level. You will receive weekly tips and encouragement for disciplemaking in your life, including stories of what others are doing.
Resources to help you establish new Christians and women new to the Bible.
Choose to disciple a new or young Christian
New and young Christians need to be established in the basic truths of their relationship with Christ.
- Read the blog, “Establish: Choose to Disciple Others” to encourage you to disciple women around you who are new Christians or have never been discipled.
- Download this booklet, “Establish a New or Young Christian” to help you get them firmly rooted in Christ and all that He gives to them.
- Get “A Fresh Start,” our Bible study designed for new Christians.
- Check out our Graceful Beginnings books for anyone new to the Bible for what to do next.
Other resources for establishing new believers:
Nurture women who are new to the Bible
Many first-time attendees to women’s events at church are new to the Bible. They need to be nurtured in such a way so they will feel successful at studying the Bible for themselves. Make it easy for first-timers to learn and not give up!
- Read my blog, “Establish: Nurture Women Who Are New to the Bible” to help you recognize them and provide the best tutoring for them.
- Download this booklet, “Establish a New or Young Christian” to help you get them firmly rooted in Christ and all that He gives to them.
- Check out our Graceful Beginnings books for anyone new to the Bible. These blogs will give you a detailed description of each one.
- “For Anyone New to the Bible” 4 studies that have basic lessons for beginners
- “Short and Easy studies” 4 studies designed to be easy for anyone new to the Bible
- Work through the Graceful Living Bible Study (to establish older believers in the foundational truths). Also available as a daily devotional journal, “Graceful Living Today.”
Disciple women in your small group
Get our leadership handbook, “Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader.” Being a small group leader is also part of the LAUNCH phase of lifestyle disciplemaking.
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