Lifestyle Disciplemaking

Take others with you as you follow Christ

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What is lifestyle disciplemaking?

Lifestyle disciplemaking is growing in your faith while at the same time reaching new people for Christ, building them up in the faith, and helping them reach their peers. Not every Christian woman will become a director or small group leader. But every Christian woman has “The Call to Lifestyle Disciplemaking.” It is a lifestyle, not a church program. Disciplemaking can take place wherever women gather.

Lifestyle disciplemaking has three phases:

  • CONNECT with those who need to know Jesus,
  • ESTABLISH new and young believers in the truths of the faith, and
  • LAUNCH growing believers to connect with and establish their peers.
Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking Retreat with Melanie Newton

Host a “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” retreat or conference this year for the women of your church. See comments below from women who have attended this conference.

Get our “Lifestyle Disciplemaking” newsletter. Click on this link and choose “Interested in lifestyle disciplemaking” as your experience level. You will receive weekly tips and encouragement for disciplemaking in your life, including stories of what others are doing.

Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking Book Image

This book will show you what disciplemaking is and how to do it in your everyday life. It includes thought questions useful for group discussion as well as action steps for individuals and ministry leaders.

You can make “lifestyle disciplemaking” a reality for yourself and for your ministry. Get a copy today and watch what God does through you!

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Check out the resources below to get you started in lifestyle disciplemaking.


Connect with nonbelievers

Read about:

Get these to start:

Other resources for connecting:


Establish new and young Christians

Read about:

Get these to start:

Other resources for establishing new believers:

Comments from our Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking conference:

About a month after the event, our women had a faith story party to practice sharing their stories. For many it was the first time they learned to share their faith. Our women’s Bible study intentionally built in a new focus on multiplying leaders. They began intentionally inviting women outside the church. One of our gals was so inspired she started meeting with two college girls God placed on her heart. The conference also caused our women in leadership roles to step back and honestly evaluate the overall picture of our women’s ministry. It created conversations that are helping us to move toward  more of an emphasis on reaching those who don’t know Jesus and multiplying healthy disciples. (Pastor Kevin)

I particularly appreciated the focus of the morning sessions on engaging those already in our unique sphere of influence. I thought the tips on sharing faith, starting and steering conversations, and reaching out especially helpful, as were the built-in small group discussions. The encouragement to disciple and stick with individuals long-term was really good as well. I appreciate all the discipleship resources you mentioned or have made available on your website. (Kristie)

Just a quick thank you for providing your workshop to our church. It was just the encouragement I needed, and I am now sharing the Gospel with my friend Tammy, who is an unbeliever, and discipling a new believer on Sunday mornings. (Courtney)