Radical Acts Bible Study

See the Fire of the Spirit Erupting through Believers

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide

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Radical Acts Front Cover

Do you long for adventure? Do you want your life to have a profound and far-reaching effect?

Then, you are longing for the Holy Spirit’s work in your life!

Radical Acts is a study of the book of Acts—a book of history, theology, biography, and adventure with Jesus. In this study, you will see the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers. You will discover who the Holy Spirit is and His intended role in your life. You will get fired up for adventure as you follow Jesus daily. Get Radical Acts and begin your adventure today! See our FAQs.

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Radical Acts: See the Fire of the Spirit Erupting ….
Newton, Melanie

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What others are saying about this study:

My daughter spoke to the middle school youth this morning about Paul. If I had not done this study, I would have no idea what she was talking about. Before this, I didn’t know Paul’s story and the impact he had. I didn’t know about Peter. I didn’t know the story of Ananias. It was so wonderful to sit there this morning and be able to connect fully with her message. (Melodye)

My small group just finished your Radical Acts study, and we wanted to say, “Thank you!” We enjoyed it so much and have grown tremendously in our faith. The level of detail and wisdom you put into that study was tremendous and the podcasts are fantastic! We had read Acts many times before (or thought we did) without really absorbing any of the teachings. We are now ready to go on our God adventure! (Anne)

I recently needed to study the book of Acts for some training. I had a hard time reading this book because of all the “drama” in it. That’s when I started looking for people who studied this with joy. I came across your Bible Study (Radical Acts), and it has been a blessing to me. Thanks for bringing the truth to us the way you do. Your study changed my approach to reading the Bible. (Yvonne)

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FAQ: The Book of Acts and the Holy Spirit

Who wrote Acts?

Although the author does not name himself, evidence from the text leads to the conclusion that the author was Luke, the physician and traveling companion of Paul (Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 24). Certain passages using the pronoun “we” indicate the author includes himself as Paul’s companion on his journeys. Some word choices in both Luke and Acts suggest that a medical man was the author of these books (Acts 28:6). So, we are confident that Luke wrote the books of Luke and Acts.

Why should anyone study Acts?

Here are 3 reasons why you should study the book of Acts:
#1: To understand how to live out your life in Christ. Acts is a book of history as it records the acts of Jesus Christ by His Spirit through His Church. Acts is a book of theology. You will see how theology is lived out, evidence for the inspiration of scripture, and proof that the gospel message has never changed. Acts is a book of biography and human relationships. You will see the fire of the Spirit erupting in the lives of people who are touched by the Spirit and changed forever.
#2: To connect with your spiritual heritage. Gain a connection and appreciation for those who obeyed Jesus by spreading the gospel everywhere they went to reach people like you who never saw Jesus face-to-face but learned to believe in Him as Savior and Lord.
#3: Because you need spiritual adventure. Acts is a book of adventure. Within the history, theology, biography, and relationships, this marvelous book introduces you to adventure with Jesus Christ. In Acts, the adventure definitely includes the unexpected. Adventure rarely means easy. But, it never means alone. The Holy Spirit is with you and me every day and forever.

How is the Holy Spirit a radical blessing?

On the day of Pentecost around 30 AD, the power of God poured forth on the followers of Jesus gathered in Jerusalem. The church of Jesus Christ was born. The Church was a radically new creation on earth that never existed before. It wasn’t created by natural power but by supernatural power. And, the power behind its existence is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a radical blessing to every believer and to the world. The definition of radical is this: “having a profound or far-reaching effect.” Having a profound or far-reaching effect certainly describes the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit’s transforming power in our lives, He changes the world immeasurably and irreversibly. That is pretty radical.

What is the adventure with Jesus?

Within the history, theology, biography, and relationships, Acts introduces us to adventure with Jesus. In it, we see men and women fired up by His indwelling Spirit and living a spiritual adventure with Jesus Christ. Adventure is “an unusual or exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.” Our English word adventure comes from the Latin for “about to happen.” What a way to look at life following Jesus—something’s about to happen! In Acts, the adventure definitely includes the unexpected. Miracles occur in strange places and strange ways. The Gentiles are included as equals to the Jews in the Church. An earthquake selectively releases prisoner chains. Unselfish behavior just springs forth in unexpected ways. Lots of spur of the moment adventures including executions, beatings, riots, and a shipwreck. Adventure rarely means easy. But, it never means alone. The Holy Spirit is with you every day and forever.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. Our God is one God but three persons. The Spirit is not an impersonal “it” or simply an influence but a personal being just as the Father and the Son are persons. He is the first gift we receive from God when we trust in Jesus for salvation. He delivers to us the blessing jewels in our treasure chest. The Holy Spirit regenerates the believer, giving new spiritual life the moment someone believes in Jesus. He also marks every Christian with the seal of God’s ownership.

Who should study Acts?

Everyone who has read through or studied the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, of John) should study the book of Acts. Acts provides a bridge between what Jesus did in the gospels with what He continued to do and teach through the apostles. Some call it the Acts of the apostles. But, it’s really the acts of Jesus Christ by His Spirit through His Church. Working through the Radical Acts Bible Study will open your eyes to the evidence around you of the firepower of the Holy Spirit. We hope that this study will also spark in you a longing and expectation for the Holy Spirit’s transforming power in your life as you learn what it means to live in daily dependence upon Jesus Christ. God’s Spirit will get you fired up and ready for adventure as you follow Jesus daily.

Image credit: created by John Newton