Joyful Walk Books on Amazon

Short and Easy

A Fresh Start (new Christian study)

Painting the Portrait of Jesus (The “I Am’s” of Jesus in John)

The God You Can Know (God’s character)

Grace Overflowing (overview of Paul’s letters)*

The Walk from Fear to Faith (Old Testament women)

Satisfied by His Love (7 women who knew Jesus)

Seek the Treasure (Ephesians)

Pathways to a Joyful Walk (for a rewarding spiritual life)

Joyful Christian Life

Graceful Living (essential truths for a joyful Christian life)

Graceful Living Today devotional (enjoy the life God has planned for you)

Gospels & Acts

Heartbreak to Hope (Gospel of Mark)

Live Out His Love (New Testament Women, disciplemaking)

Radical Acts (the book of Acts)

Paul’s Letters

The God-Dependent Woman (2 Corinthians)

Knowing Jesus, Knowing Joy! (Philippians-also in Spanish—Conociendo a Jesus)

Healthy Living (Colossians & Philemon)

Perspective (1 & 2 Thessalonians)

Adorn Yourself with Godliness (1 Timothy & Titus-also in Spanish—Adornate con Piedad)

To Be Found Faithful (2 Timothy)

Old Testament

Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God (Old Testament Women-also in Spanish—Cada Dia Mujer)

Profiles of Perseverance (Joseph, David, Elijah, Nehemiah-also in Spanish—Perfiles de Perseverancia)

Reboot Renew Rejoice (1 & 2 Chronicles)

Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World (Ezra through Malachi)

Connecting Faith to Life on Planet Earth (Creation through Restoration)

Lead and Disciple

Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking (book for individuals and ministry leaders)

Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader 

Bible Study Leadership Made Easy (workbook)