Live Out His Love Bible Study

Join New Testament Women as They Experience and Share the Compassion of Jesus

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide

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Are you longing for more direction in your walk of faith?

God put that desire in your heart to fulfill His purpose for you. In Live Out His Love Bible Study, you will experience the compassion of Jesus for women as you study His interactions with the women who knew Him. Then, you can share that same compassion with other women in your circle of influence.

Built into the Live Out His Love Bible Study are activities that help you to not only experience the love of Jesus for yourself but also be prepared to share it with others. Sounds like a win/win, doesn’t it? See our FAQs.

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Live Out His Love: Join New Testament Women as The ….
Newton, Melanie

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“Live Out His Love” podcasts

What others are saying about this study:

Our Life Group of 14 women studied this wonderful study of Jesus’ compassion for women. Each lesson generated great discussion and even further questions that we researched as a group. An excellent study for young women as well as mature ladies, such as ourselves. Melanie did an excellent job with the historical portion. It allows one to be transported back to the time of Jesus. Not to mention the discussion questions. Highest recommendation.

I really enjoyed this study. It really helped me relate to these New Testament women as the real people they were and what their experiences must have been like. (Marlo)

The lessons gave me a new view – a greater understanding of these historical accounts of the interactions and relationships of the Lord Jesus with these women. I was grateful to have done this study together with other ladies. We realized anew the lovjngkindness of our Lord for each of us.

A group of ladies from our church has done this lesson, and enjoyed it very much. Thank you for allowing us to study with you. (Julia)

This study encouraged me to have a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. I truly want to share what Jesus has done for me with others – thanking God, for sacrificing His Son on the cross. (Nola)

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FAQ: New Testament Women and Jesus

Why should you do a study about Jesus interacting with women?

Jesus demonstrated in His life on earth how much He loved and valued women. He taught them, forgave them, accepted them, and gave new life to them. Because His care for them was so countercultural to what they had previously known, women responded with love for Him and a desire to serve Him. Jesus Christ entered into the midst of their lives, visibly representing God to them, loving them dearly, and changing their lives forever! He does the same for you and me today. You will experience the compassion of Jesus for women as you study His interactions with women in the Live Out His Love Bible Study. Then, you can share that same compassion with your friends and co-workers.

What makes this study different from most studies about women in the Bible?

If you are longing for more direction in your walk of faith than attending a weekly Bible study and the annual Christmas brunch, that longing is a desire put in your heart by God to fulfill His purpose for your life. That purpose is to live for Him, experience His love for you, and share His love with others around you. Jesus is calling you to that kind of life. He commissioned everyday people like you and I are to share the good news about Him with others and make disciples. This Live Out His Love Bible Study will help you become a disciple-maker in your sphere of influence as you learn from Jesus how to do so.

Why will this Bible Study help you learn how to share your faith?

Built into the Live Out His Love Bible Study are activities that help you start praying for the nonbelievers around you, develop conversation starters to engage them in spiritual discussion, and prepare your faith story to share with them. You will also learn how to share the simple gospel facts. You will not only experience the love of Jesus for yourself but also be prepared to share it with others.

Can anyone do this Bible Study?

Yes! Anyone can study the Live Out His Love Bible Study for themselves. The Bible is God’s Word for every one of us. As you start studying through the New Testament, the Holy Spirit will help you understand what you are reading. That is what God desires for you so He makes sure you are enabled to do it. So, you can ask the Lord to teach you through what you are reading. If you are new to the Bible, you can work through the shorter, easier version called Satisfied by His Love.

What are some good studies about women in the Bible?

To study Old Testament women, we recommend “Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God” (11 lessons) and the shorter version, “The Walk from Fear to Faith” (6 lessons). To study New Testament women, we recommend “Live Out His Love” (11 lessons) and the shorter version “Satisfied by His Love” (6 lessons).

Image credit: open source (woman-praising-god-in-beach.jpg)