The God You Can Know Bible Study
The Wonderful Attributes of Your Father God
8 Lessons—Short and Easy for anyone new to the Bible
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What do you know about God? Do you know enough to trust Him as your heavenly Father?
Whether or not you had a good earthly father, The God You Can Know will show you the truth about God by what are called His attributes that are true about Him all the time. In this short and easy Bible Study, you will learn that your Father God is the best Father you could ever have! He is a God you can know. Your Father God’s love for you is deep and amazing! Who doesn’t want a dad like that? See our FAQs.
We now have coordinating lessons for elementary-age children! See “Teaching Children the God They Can Know” information below.
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Get “Teaching Children the God They Can Know”—Lessons for Elementary Children

Elementary Lessons about the Character of God — coordinating with The God You Can Know Bible Study for adults
Teachers and parents, help children learn those character qualities of God that He has revealed about Himself—sovereignty, holiness, justice, grace, love, goodness, joy, and more. By knowing who He is, they can love Him more and trust Him with their lives. He is truly the God we can know.
Download free printable eBook of “Teaching Children the God They Can Know” lessons for children with visuals and handouts.
What others are saying about these books:
What a great way to learn about the character of our Father God. He is so trustworthy.
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FAQ: Trusting Your Father God
Jesus continually taught His disciples to consider God as their Father. He taught them to pray to their Father God whom they could trust. This God is your Father God, too. The moment you placed your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation, you were adopted into God’s family as His child. He is your Father forever after that.
Trust (faith) is always an issue of credibility. It is hard to trust God if you don’t know Him. The more you know Him, the easier it is to trust Him. You don’t have more faith by talking about faith. Getting to know the object of your faith, your God, increases your confidence in Him. Knowing God’s attributes plus His promises gives you plenty of reasons to consider Him trustworthy. The Bible describes that confidence as having your feet firmly planted on solid rock with God as your Rock. He is a trustworthy God. Your God is also a trustworthy Father. He is the perfect Father, the most loving Father, the most dependable Father, and the Father who cares about your every need. He is a God you can know.
An “attribute” is a quality or characteristic of someone or something. For a person, an attribute is something generally true about that person. The attributes of God are things we can know about God. They describe His character and are true about Him all the time. God’s greatness is far beyond human understanding.
• God is the sovereign ruler over His creation. He rules it with supreme authority and power.
• God is all powerful, more powerful than anything or anyone else in the entire universe.
• God is present everywhere at the same time.
• God is all knowing.
• God’s love is patient, kind, forgiving and considers what is best for the one being loved.
• God is good all the time. He is good in the tough times, in different ways for each person, and in what He allows or does not allow into our lives.
Those are just a few attributes that help us understand our God. God has revealed enough about Himself in His Word so we can know who He is. And, the picture we get from the Scriptures reveals an awesome God! By knowing who He is, we can know Him better.
If you didn’t have a good earthly father, your concept of a father might be pretty scary. God knows that. But, He wants you to know that you are dearly loved by your Father God. Think of the best father in any movie or TV show. God is even better than that father. And, God wants you to know His character-those attributes that help you to know Him well, love Him wholeheartedly, and gain the confidence to trust Him as your Father God.
The concept of “father” evokes as many feelings as there are people. But, as you will learn in this study, your heavenly Father is always the same-always trustworthy, always loving, always just-and much more. He is never untrue to who He says He is. That’s a dad worth getting to know. That’s the Father you will discover in this study, The God You Can Know Bible Study-one whose love for you is deep and amazing.
Image credit: photo by “teacherholly,” sourced at (3311587718_7f9a3a6446_b.jpg)