Seek the Treasure Bible Study
Unearthing the riches of Christ in Ephesians
8 Lessons with Podcasts—Short and Easy for anyone new to the Bible
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Are you looking for something to guarantee successful living?
There are so many things out there on the internet or in social media that we can try. Those can be powerful influences on us as Christians, but they are substitutes for the real thing. Seek the Treasure is a short and easy study of the book of Ephesians. In this study, you will discover all the amazing treasure you have in Jesus Christ and recognize all the substitute treasure that is worthless. Learn how to get rid of your substitutes. and see that your treasure in Christ is powerful and valuable enough for you to live successfully in this world. Get Seek the Treasure and unearth your riches today. See our FAQs.
Seek the Treasure retreat:
We offer this topic as a retreat. For more information, go to Melanie’s Retreat Topics.
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Related Blogs

- Ephesians Theme • What Is in Your Treasure Chest?
- Ephesians • Seek Your Treasure in Jesus Christ
- Ephesians • Remember the Treasure of Your Rescue from Darkness
- Ephesians • Rejoice in the Treasure of Your Spiritual Blessings
- Ephesians • Bask in the Treasure of Prayer and Love
- Ephesians • Enjoy Your Treasure in the Church
- Ephesians • Depend on the Treasure of God’s Empowering Presence
- Ephesians • Live Out the Treasure of Godliness
- Ephesians 4.29 • Christian, Stop Rotten Talk
- Ephesians • Stand Firm in the Treasure of Victory
“Seek the Treasure” podcasts
What women are saying about this study:
This January we started “Seek the Treasure” on Ephesians … knowing that this was a very basic way to look at Ephesians. I can’t tell you the depth of the conversations we have had about the truths in the book of Ephesians and how these gems…these jewels…have affected our lives and our journey with our God. Every week someone says they are so glad that I chose this study even though it is very basic for us…yet could be so powerful for those who have not delved into His Word as we have. It definitely has strengthened our faith and challenged us to be women who put their words into action to show others the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for this study and the others you offer. (Barb)
I’ve read the book of Ephesians several times before, but I learned so much more from studying it this time around. God has gifted you with a gentle and humble way of teaching and leading that makes God’s word so much easier to understand and grasp. I love how it felt like you took us all by the hand and pointed out where to find truth and the answers to each question by referencing the verse to look back at. I pray God will continue the work He started in me to completion. (Tamela)
My Sunday School class really enjoyed the Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! study. So, we are going to do this new study of Ephesians in January. Looking forward to it. (Barbara)
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More Studies in Paul’s Letters
Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! (Philippians)
Healthy Living (Colossians)
Perspective (1 and 2 Thessalonians)
Adorn Yourself with Godliness (1 Timothy and Titus)
To Be Found Faithful (2 Timothy)
The God-Dependent Woman (2 Corinthians)
Grace Overflowing (overview of Paul’s 13 Letters)
This study is adaptable to a retreat theme. For more information, go to Melanie’s Retreat Topics.
FAQ: Ephesians and Jesus
There may be evil spiritual forces behind the people, the habits, and the situations that are messing up your life. But, the answer is not to try out everything available to see if something sticks. The answer is found in what Jesus already provides to you in Himself. In Ephesians, Paul writes to give us confidence that Jesus is more powerful and effective than anything we can substitute for Him.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is sitting at the right of God with authority over everything. What is not included in everything? Evil is under His feet. As we sit with Him, evil is under our feet. All we have to do is remember our place with Him in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). That’s where God dwells. And, it’s a place of power. Jesus has more power than anything we picture coming against us.
We can picture ourselves sitting with Jesus in the heavenly realms, with our treasure chest-all that we receive in Him. It’s not about something we do. It’s something that has already been done. We can rest in that and all the treasure that comes with it. That’s the way to guarantee successful living-God’s way of successful living. The treasure you have in Jesus Christ is more powerful and effective than anything you could substitute for Him.
All you need is what is already given to you in Jesus Christ. Are you willing to get rid of your substitutes and cling to your treasure in Christ alone? Not just in your head, but in your heart and experiences. You can say with your heart to Him, “My treasure in you, Lord Jesus, is more powerful and effective than anything I could substitute for You. Please confirm that in my heart.”
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