Connect with Nonbelievers

Jesus followers become disciplemakers

This is the CONNECT phase of lifestyle disciplemaking

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Lifestyle disciplemaking connect with nonbelievers

Build intentional relationships with those who do not know Jesus yet

Who are the nonbelievers in your life? Start with where you are presently connected. Some we think are nonbelievers may be believers who have never been established in their faith so their lives look like those of nonbelievers. Ask Jesus to give you His love for them and to help you understand what they are feeling and needing from Him. Pray for them and step into their lives as a means of displaying Jesus’ love and compassion to them. This is the CONNECT phase of lifestyle disciplemaking.

Get Melanie’s book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking”

Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking Book Image

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Resources to help you connect with nonbelievers and unchurched women

Pray and Love

Shape Your Faith Story

Know the Gospel Facts

Be a Designated Engager

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