Healthy Living Bible Study
A Study of Colossians and Philemon
11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide-newly revised in 2023
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Do you want to stay spiritually healthy? Are you as careful to stay away from spiritual infection as you are to stay away from physical disease?
The answer to all spiritual infection is the truth of God we have in Jesus Christ. This truth gives us a strong immune system to fight and prevent spiritual infections. Spiritual health begins with dwelling in truth you can know and humbly accepting what you can’t know or understand. Add to that your commitment to discern all teaching through the complete revelation of God’s word.
This Healthy Living Bible Study covers Colossians and Philemon will help you to stay spiritually healthy in an unhealthy world. Is that something you want? See our FAQs.
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“Healthy Living” blogs

- TRUTH Is the Prescription for Healthy Living
- Tame the “Look-Imagine-See” Dragon
- Escape the Cultural Captivity Infection
- Resist the “Tyranny of the Urgent” Infection
- Stop the “Jesus Is Not Lord over All” Infection
- Conquer the “Manipulation by Guilt” Infection
- Flee the Spiritual Substitutes Infection
- Delete the Karma Infection
- Wipe Out the Narcissism Infection
- Counter the “Work Is Secular” Infection
- Overcome the “Holy Huddle” Infection
- Defeat the Victim Infection
- Angels, feathers, and needing comfort for grief
- Overflowing with Thankfulness: Reminders from Colossians
“Healthy Living” podcasts
What women are saying about this study:
Melanie is a fabulous teacher on how to study the bible for yourself. Using the letters of the Apostle Paul, Melanie guides you on learning how to read the bible and learn the difference between truth and tradition. Wonderful study!
I used Melanie Newton’s Healthy Living A Study in Colossians and Philemon with a women’s bible study. The study methods helped us gain insight into the word of God. The questions helped us to delve deeper into the meaning of Scripture. (Susan)
Thank you for doing this study! I love how you have us re-read what we’ve already covered as it helps me solidify Paul’s (God’s) message to the church and me. And, it makes me look at the passages again for new treasures! (Jan)
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Grace Overflowing (overview of Paul’s 13 Letters)
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FAQ: Colossians and Spiritual Health
The apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Colossians while he was in prison in Rome. Like a doctor, Paul listened to what he heard from the Colossians and about them. He diagnosed that there was an infection in their city, a very serious one. It had to be identified and removed for healing to occur. False teachers were teaching that Jesus was not the Lord, just a lord. They were teaching that faith in Jesus was not enough for them to be spiritual. They needed to add other “experiences” to the mix. To contradict this infection, we find in Colossians the greatest declaration of Christ’s deity and sufficiency found in Scripture.
The book of Colossians is all about what believers can know about Christ that is true. It also shows you what God does for you whenever you choose to put your faith in His Son. Colossians shows you how to approach many practical areas of life living God’s way rather than the world’s way. And, it helps you build godly relationships with those around you. The Healthy Living Bible Study will help you to get firmly entrenched in truth you can know so that you can dwell there and stay spiritually healthy. We’ll never know all there is to know about God. There will always be some mystery about Him. But there’s plenty enough revealed in the Bible to satisfy your desire to know Him truthfully and to know how to live your life in Christ truthfully.
Heresy is an infection in the Body of Christ. It’s not just error. It is anti-truth! And like an infection in the human body, it always affects life so it must be addressed. Thankfully, the answer to all heresy is truth! Knowing truth gives us a spiritual immune system that fights and prevents infection. Infection is bad. Untreated infection can be deadly. Knowing the truth of God that you have in Jesus Christ gives you an immune system that fights and prevents spiritual infection. Let Jesus satisfy your heart needs with His truth and His love so you can get well and stay well. Colossians teaches truth that is the prescription for healthy living. Philemon shows how to live it out.
The prescription for healthy living has three parts. First, you dwell in the truth of God you can know. Next, you humbly accept what you don’t know or understand. And then, you discern any teaching that you read or hear through the complete revelation of God’s Word. These three parts help you to fight spiritual infections or prevent their influence over you.
Every Christian should study Colossians. Christianity is Christ! It is not a lifestyle. It’s not rules of conduct. It’s not a society of people who have joined together by the sprinkling or covering of water. Christianity is a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. In Colossians chapter 1, Paul writes the strongest statement of the supremacy and deity of Jesus as the Christ and the Lord found anywhere in the New Testament. If you have any insecurities about God’s forgiveness of your sins, how to live out the Christian life, and even how to handle relationships, Colossians will teach you truth to apply to those issues as well.
We recommend working through the book of Philippians, a well-crafted expression of gratitude and joy. This joy comes through your relationship with Jesus Christ. The deeper your relationship with Jesus and with His people the greater the joy that awaits you and the less your joy is dependent on external circumstances. This study of Philippians will encourage you to know Jesus and know joy! If you want an overview of all of Paul’s letters to get a good perspective of what they teach, work through the short and easy study “Grace Overflowing” before studying Colossians. Ask the Lord to show you where to start.
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