Perspective Bible Study

Insights from 1 & 2 Thessalonians

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide

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Are you longing to know God’s perspective on what’s affecting your life? Are you unsure about your future beyond this life?

Get answers to these questions and more from this Perspective Bible Study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. You’ll gain the biblical perspective on suffering so you can stand firm and press onward regardless of obstacles in your life. Understand leadership so you can be a servant-leader to those who look to you. Gain perspective on death and your life beyond the grave. Learn about the Rapture, Great Tribulation, Antichrist, and Second Coming of Christ.

Through this Perspective Bible Study, you will gain the biblical perspective on who God is, what it means to live your life to please Him, and what He has planned for your future. That will give you the security your heart longs to have today! See our FAQs here.

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Perspective: Insights from 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Newton, Melanie

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What women are saying about this study:

We loved the study in 1 & 2 Thessalonians and it was perfect for the times in which we live. Many women were new to the inductive study method and found that they really liked it and found it helpful to glean more from the Scriptures. (Mary)

Such a great study!!! Journey Girls Study group.

We’re excited about using this study in our Ladies’ Bible Study group this fall. Your studies do an excellent job of guiding the participant through an inductive study of the Word. (Bonnie)

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FAQ: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Who wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians?

The apostle Paul identifies himself as the author of the 2 letters written to the church at Thessalonica. His co-worker Timothy reported on conditions in the church. Paul wrote the first letter shortly after he arrived in Corinth about A.D. 51. Then, he wrote the second letter within a few months after the first letter. In the letters, Paul addressed issues in the church and questions people asked. Over a quarter of 1 Thessalonians and nearly half of 2 Thessalonians deal with problems and issues regarding the end times and the coming of Christ from heaven.

Why do you need a proper perspective about God and the world?

Perspective s an objective assessment of any situation, giving all aspects their comparative importance. This action must be taken whenever you need to make a decision. The right perspective about God helps you grow in confidence because you will learn that your self-worth is not derived from any human being but from God. You will be able to stand firm and press onward regardless of obstacles in your life. You will have assurance of your future with Christ in eternity. You will not fear death as those who have no hope. When we gain a proper perspective of God, ourselves, and the world in which we live, we begin to serve our God with greater enthusiasm and growing freedom. There is then no limit to what can happen as God works in us and through us to impact our world.

What will you learn from studying 1 and 2 Thessalonians?

Through this Perspective study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, you will grow in confidence as you learn that your self-worth is not derived from any human being but from God. You will be able to stand firm and press onward regardless of obstacles in your life. And, if you like eschatology (prophecy about the end times, especially Jesus’ return), you’ll enjoy this study as well. Over a quarter of 1 Thessalonians and nearly half of 2 Thessalonians deal with problems and issues regarding the coming of Christ from heaven. You will gain perspective about the end times.

What does 1 Thessalonians teach about a Christian’s death and the Rapture?

The Bible reassures us that when a believer dies, you simply go to sleep on earth and wake up in heaven. Believers should not be afraid of death. And, Jesus declared that He was definitely, positively, you-can-count-on-it-with-certainty coming back to earth to gather all of His followers across the planet. He will gather them to Himself in the clouds. There’s no mistake about it. If Jesus said that was going to happen, it will! Paul described in 1 Thessalonians what that will look like if we are still alive when He comes for His own.

Which letter of Paul’s should you study next?

We recommend working through the book of Colossians. It includes a lot of wonderful information about Jesus Christ that you should know. It also shows you what God does for you whenever you choose to put your faith in His Son. Colossians shows you how to approach many practical areas of life living God’s way rather than the world’s way. And, it helps you build godly relationships with those around you. Start with our “Healthy Living Bible Study”of Colossians. If you want an overview of all of Paul’s letters to get a good perspective of what they teach, work through the short and easy study “Grace Overflowing” before studying Colossians. Ask the Lord to show you where to start.

Image credit: photo by Red Charlie, sourced at (0*Z77kUVK04u5cuv0o.jpg)