Bible Studies in Spanish and Other Languages

2 Old Testament and 2 New Testament Studies

Currently available: Spanish and Indonesian versions

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Thanks to the generosity and service of people in our Joyful Walk Community, we now have several Bible studies available in Spanish and other languages, including Indonesian. So, if you have enjoyed one or more of our Joyful Walk Bible Studies, please share this email with your friends who speak Spanish or minister to women who speak Spanish as their primary language.

Click on the links below to download the file for personal use. For group use, purchase the printable / fillable versions from our store. With each purchase, we give you permission to print 10 copies to use with a group. If you cannot afford the cost of the printable version, please contact us to request a discount code. They are not currently available as paperbacks. Note: Most of these are translations of older versions of our current studies. And we have no associated podcasts in these languages.

Cada Día Mujer, Dios Fiel Cada Día

Cada dia mujer

Join Old Testament women on their walk from fear to deeper faith in our amazing God. See an ever-faithful God in action and 4 consistent truths that you can apply to your life today. This matches an older version of our Old Testament women study.

Read more about the English version…

What women are saying about this study:

“I lead a group of pastors’ wives and leaders’ wives in Juarez MX. It is hard to find teaching material that is relevant to them and in English for me to study better and in Spanish for them to understand the lesson. I am delighted to see you have this study.” (Marie)

Old Testament Women study in the Indonesian Language

Free download to print

“As I was scrolling down through the list of studies, I had to look twice to make sure that I saw correctly! I found the series on Everyday Women! And already in Indonesian language! When I prayed for God to lead me, I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked when He does!” (Paula)

Perfiles de Perseverancia: Jose, David, Elias, y Nehemias


Real life has challenges lasting longer than a day, week or month. View the lives of Joseph, David, Elijah, and Nehemiah to see that a secure hope rooted in the faithfulness of God enables you to weather the storms of life. This matches our current Old Testament Men study.

Read more about the English version…

What women are saying about this study:

”I live in Guatemala with my husband and daughter.  We are full time missionaries living in a children’s home.  Several of the ladies on staff meet every Tuesday evening for Bible study.  We just finished your Perfiles de Perseverancia study.  All of us really enjoyed it.” (Candy)

Adórnate Con Piedad: Un Estudio de Primera de Timoteo y Tito

You cannot be more beautiful than to adorn yourself with the very character of God so that your life displays the beliefs you claim to profess. Study 1 Timothy and Titus to discover what godliness is and how to adorn yourself with it. This matches an older 1 Timothy and Titus study.

Read more about the English version…

What women are saying about this study:

“I was searching for a Bible Study for our neighborhood group, and yours came up on the search. I’m so glad I found it. Your study was easy to follow, and you gave many new insights that I had never heard. You have been a blessing to me.” (Barbara)

¡Conociendo a Jesús…Conociendo el Gozo!: ¿Estás hambrienta de gozo en tu vida?

Are you hungry for joy in your life? Let this study of Philippians encourage you to know JESUS and know JOY! This matches an older version of our Philippians study.

Read more about the English version…

What women are saying about this study:

“The material you have written is very helpful, especially all the notes on the backgrounds and the traditions and culture and use of certain words. Thank you for doing so much work and making the book of Philippians come alive!” (May Chin)