Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader

A handbook for leading a women’s small group

For personal use and group training—6 chapters with discussion questions included

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Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader book front cover

Are you a small group leader for a women’s group or planning to be one?

You might be feeling a bit scared and overwhelmed about it. Perhaps your church Bible Study has grown so much that you have a bunch of new leaders. They might be feeling a bit insecure about this new “role” in their lives. Maybe you have been a leader for a while and know you can learn how to become a better one. Being a small group leader is a way to jump into lifestyle disciplemaking.

Just being able to “get the job done” doesn’t help someone to be a good small group leader. And most women volunteering to fill a leadership role don’t know how to do it well without training. Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader contains suggestions to help you lead a women’s small group.

How This Book Meets the Need

All training should include not just “what you will do” but also “who you are to be” as a servant-leader in the Church belonging to Jesus. The key is to stay Christ-focused while leading any kind of group for women. Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader will show you how.

Follow 6 C’s to stay Christ-focused as you lead:

  • Begin with Christ as your focus.
  • Learn how to bring Christ-Like Character and Commitment to your group.
  • Maintain Christ-Focused Community and Content as you meet.
  • Incorporate your Christ-Given Commission for disciple-making as you interact with group members.

Do this on your own:

Get this book for yourself and work through all the chapters. You’ll get what you need to prepare to lead any women’s small group—mom’s group, single’s group, Sunday School class, and Bible study.

Do this for your church small group ministry:

Whether you have a large or small church, it is a good idea to offer training on what it means to be a servant leader in Jesus’ Church. This puts everyone on the same page of approaching ministry as a team. It also helps to avoid the “it’s MY ministry” mentality.

  • Schedule a “small group leader training” day.
  • Give each small group leader a copy of Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader to read the content and reflect on the discussion questions before the training day.
  • Use the “small group leader training” day as a gathering time for all leaders (new and experienced) to discuss what they have learned from each section, to ask questions, and to brainstorm solutions to any anticipated challenges.

Ask the Lord Jesus to help you take to heart the suggestions in this handbook and become the Christ-focused leader your small group needs you to be. Happy leading!

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Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader: A handbook ….
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What others are saying about “Be a Christ-Focused Small Group Leader:”

I am a leader and TEAM member of the local Celebrate Recovery ministry. I do a lot of training for small group leaders and step study leaders. I found your handbook to be very informative and extremely well written. (Travis)


We’ve used the older version of this book for training, and I also took the video course. Excellent material! (Pauline)


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