This world continually tempts you to follow its way of doing life or lures you into following your own way of doing life without any regard to God or anyone else having authority over you. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World is an 11-lesson study covering Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi. This book will teach you how to say “No” to the destructive influences of our world so you can enjoy the blessings of belonging to God and living obediently to Him.
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This world continually lures you into following your own way of doing life without any regard to God or anyone else having authority over you. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World is an 11-lesson study covering Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi. This book will teach you how to say “No” to the destructive influences of our world so you can enjoy the blessings of belonging to God and living obediently to Him.
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Are you hungry for joy in your life? The deeper your relationship with Jesus and with His people the greater the joy that awaits you. Let this 10-lesson study of Philippians lead you to know JESUS and know JOY!
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Through 10 lessons with matching podcasts, Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! studies Paul’s letter to the Philippians—a well-crafted expression of gratitude and joy. The deeper your relationship with Jesus and with His people the greater the joy that awaits you and the less that joy is dependent on external circumstances. Are you hungry for joy in your life? Let this study of Philippians encourage you to know JESUS and know JOY!
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Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! studies Paul’s letter to the Philippians—a well-crafted expression of gratitude and joy that comes through your relationship with Jesus Christ. Are you hungry for joy in your life? Don’t wait! Let this study of Philippians encourage you to know JESUS and know JOY!
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This book will show you what disciplemaking is and how to do it in your everyday life. It includes thought questions useful for group discussion as well as action steps for individuals and ministry leaders.
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This book will show you what disciplemaking is and how to do it in your everyday life. It includes thought questions useful for group discussion as well as action steps for individuals and ministry leaders.
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Join New Testament women as they experienced the compassion of Jesus for them. Learn to share Jesus’ compassion with others, and begin an adventure that will transform your life and others as well.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
In Live Out His Love Bible Study, you will study Jesus’ love and compassion for some New Testament women. That is the same love and compassion He offers to every woman today, including you. And you will discover that your purpose is to live for Him, experience His love for you, and share His love with others around you. The 11-lessons with matching podcasts in this Live Out His Love Bible Study will teach you how to do all of that.
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Are you longing for more direction in your walk of faith? In Live Out His Love Bible Study, you will study Jesus’ love and care for some New Testament women. That’s the same love and care He offers to every woman today, including you. Don’t wait! Begin the adventure that will transform your life and the lives of others as well.
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Would you like a picture of Jesus? In the gospel of John, you get a portrait of Jesus in His own words—His “I am” statements—descriptions Jesus gave about Himself. In this 8-lesson book, Painting the Portrait of Jesus, we assign a paint color to each one of those “I am” statements. Together, they reveal a portrait of who Jesus is, how He meets your needs, and why you can trust Him enough to follow Him.
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In the short and easy Painting the Portrait of Jesus, you will discover amazing things about Jesus that will satisfy the spiritual hunger in your soul and reveal why you can trust Him enough to follow Him.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Would you like a picture of Jesus? Painting the Portrait of Jesus views the self-portrait of Jesus using His seven “I am” statements. Discover amazing things about Jesus that will satisfy the spiritual hunger in your soul and answer one of the most asked questions of all time, “What does Jesus look like?” The lessons are short and easy, designed for anyone regardless of your experience with the Bible. Don’t wait! Get to know Him now.
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Are you a joy-seeker? Then, you want a guide to the right pathways to experience joy in your spiritual life. Pathways to a Joyful walk is your short and easy guide, designed for anyone, including those who are new to the Bible. In 6 lessons with matching podcasts, you will learn the pathways to joy. Let this book be your guide to a rewarding spiritual life, certain to satisfy your joy-seeker’s heart.
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Are you a joy-seeker? Then, you want a guide to the right pathways to experience joy in your spiritual life. Pathways to a Joyful Walk explores 6 pathways that will lead to a rewarding spiritual life full of joy.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Are you a joy-seeker? Then, you want a guide to the right pathways to experience joy in your spiritual life. Pathways to a Joyful walk is your short and easy guide, designed for anyone, including those who are new to the Bible. In 6 lessons with matching podcasts, you will learn the pathways to joy. Let this book be your guide to a rewarding spiritual life, certain to satisfy your joy-seeker’s heart.
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In Perspective, you’ll gain the biblical perspective on suffering, leadership, death and life beyond the grace, the Rapture, Great Tribulation, Antichrist, and Second Coming of Christ. Gain a security in Him that allows you to rest and enjoy life today. Don’t you want that kind of security? Don’t wait. Get this Bible Study and unlock all that God has for you today and in the future.
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This 11-lesson study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians will help you gain the biblical perspective on who God is, what it means to live your life to please Him, and what He has planned for your future.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Do you need help navigating through life’s challenges? Are you longing to know God’s perspective on the various issues of life? Are you unsure about your future beyond this life? This 11-lesson study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians will help you gain the biblical perspective on who God is, what it means to live your life to please Him, and what He has planned for your future.
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See through the lives of Joseph, David, Elijah, and Nehemiah that only a sustained hope rooted in the faithfulness of God enables you to persevere faithfully throughout the rough-and-tumble of real life.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
In Profiles of Perseverance, you will get a glimpse into the lives of Joseph, David, Elijah, and Nehemiah, see that only a sustained hope rooted in the faithfulness of God enables you to persevere through your challenges, and follow 4 action steps to get there.
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In Profiles of Perseverance, you will get a glimpse into the lives of Joseph, David, Elijah, and Nehemiah who learned perseverance through many challenges. The 11 lessons and matching podcasts will help you to see that only a sustained hope rooted in the faithfulness of God enables you to persevere through your challenges. Are you ready to develop perseverance in your life?
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Study the book of Acts and see the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers. This will spark in you an appreciation, longing, and expectation for the Holy Spirit’s work in your own life. Ready for adventure?
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. You can use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Radical Acts is an 11-lesson study of the book of Acts. In this study with its matching podcasts, you will see the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers—the early church leaders as well as the everyday kind of people like you and I are. This will spark in you an appreciation, longing, and expectation for the Holy Spirit’s work in your own life. Are you ready for God to get you fired up and ready for adventure?
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Do you long for adventure? Radical Actsis for you! In this study of Acts, you will see the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers. You will discover who the Holy Spirit is and His intended role in your life. You will get fired up for adventure as you follow Jesus daily. Don’t wait! Get Radical Acts and begin your adventure today!
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Do you need a reboot in your life? Do you want to renew your relationship with God in a more committed way? Do you feel insecure about what is happening in the world? This Reboot Renew Rejoice Bible Study will answer those questions through a study of 1st and 2nd Chronicles in 11 lessons with matching podcasts. Let God fill your heart with joy as you see His powerful presence working.
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Do you need a reboot in your life? Do you want to renew your relationship with God in a more committed way? Do you feel insecure about what’s happening in the world? Reboot Renew Rejoice Bible Study will answer those questions through a study of 1 and 2 Chronicles. Don’t wait! Get Reboot Renew Rejoice and let God fill your heart with joy as you see His powerful presence working in any and all situations and through any person great or small.
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In Satisfied by His Love, you will see Jesus interacting with 8 women He knew and discover how He can satisfy your heart with the goodness of His love.
This is the “Digital Reader” version of a Bible study. Use any digital reader app on your device to read this book (Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and more). You will need a Bible or Bible app to do the study. Use your device’s note-taking function to type or speak your responses to any of the questions.
Do you have a thirst to be truly loved? How is this thirst for love being satisfied? Satisfied by His Love is a 6-lesson short and easy Bible Study with podcasts that look at the lives of 8 New Testament women who discovered how Jesus will fill you with everything you need to feel satisfied. Will you let Jesus satisfy your heart with the goodness of His love?
The “Buy book” button below will take you to our publisher so that you can order paperback copies of this book. If you want to order bulk copies, please email us for a discount price.
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