Satisfied by His Love Bible Study

Let Jesus satisfy your heart with the goodness of His love (Study 8 New Testament women who did)

6 Lessons with Podcasts—Short and Easy for anyone new to the Bible

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Satisfied by His Love book front cover

Do you have a thirst to be truly loved? How is that being satisfied?

God created you with a built-in thirst for a love relationship with Him. Only a relationship with Jesus Christ can satisfy that thirst. This short and easy study Satisfied by His Love will show you how and why. Jesus can satisfy your heart need for truth, forgiveness, truth, relief from pain, freedom from bondage, and assurance that you are loved. Through Satisfied by His Love, you will see Jesus interacting with the women that He knew and discover how He can SATISFY YOUR HEART with the goodness of His love today. See our FAQs.

Satisfied Heart retreat:

We offer this topic as a retreat. For more information, go to Melanie’s Retreat Topics.

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Satisfied by His Love: Let Jesus satisfy your hear ….
Newton, Melanie

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“Satisfied Heart” podcasts

What others are saying about this study:

I am a missionary living in New Zealand and am an Assistant Chaplain at our local Women’s Prison. I have been sharing and leading your Bible Studies for the past 4 years. I just want you to know that your studies have blessed so many of these women and some have even trusted the Lord as their Saviour. The most popular and touching one is Satisfied by His Love. For many of the women, this there very first time reading a Bible and learning how to do a Bible Study. (Genia)

So blessed by this study. We are taking our time savoring every question and enjoying our time in God’s word. (Deborah)

This study helped me to reconnect closer with the Lord. It was truly a gift. (Melissa)

I’ve enjoyed reading two of your studies this summer online. Loved them so much I chose your Satisfied by His Love as a fall Bible study for our ladies to walk through. (Debbie)

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FAQ: Women and Jesus

Why should you do a study about Jesus interacting with women?

Jesus demonstrated in His life on earth how much He loved and valued women. He taught, forgave, accepted, and gave new life to them. Because His care for them was so countercultural to what they had previously known, women responded with love for Him and a desire to serve Him. Jesus Christ entered into the midst of their lives, visibly representing God to them, loving them dearly, and changing their lives forever! He does the same for you and me today. You will experience the compassion of Jesus for women as you study His interactions with women in the “Satisfied by His Love Bible Study.”

How can you get your spiritual needs satisfied?

What many women don’t realize is that they are created by God with a built-in spiritual thirst for a relationship with Him. This spiritual thirst is as real as physical thirst, but the way to have it satisfied is not as obvious. Yet, the desire to satisfy this thirst draws women toward the spiritual arena. A relationship with another human cannot satisfy a thirsty heart. Only God can, and His plan to do that included coming to earth to take on a human body and to live as a man among us. Enter Jesus. As the radical rabbi, Jesus treated women as no man had ever before treated them. His warmth, personal attention, tenderness, sound teaching, and compassion toward women were revolutionary. He openly demonstrated His love for each individual He met-both men and women-for whom He would ultimately die. Jesus promises that a relationship with Him will satisfy a woman’s thirsty heart. Every woman can be satisfied by His love.
• Do you need forgiveness? Jesus does that.
• Do you need healing and hope for dire circumstances? Jesus does that.
• Are you in bondage to something? Jesus frees you from bondage.
• Do you need assurance that you are loved? Jesus crowns you with His love and compassion.
A satisfied heart can go forward with complete assurance that your God knows how to love you well. “Satisfied by His Love” is part of the Graceful Beginnings Series of Bible Studies for anyone new to the Bible. Start studying the Bible with confidence and joy.

Why is it important to study the women of the Bible?

Bible women were everyday women like we are today. Their stories-snippets of their biographies-are preserved for us to get to know them, and to know their God who is also our God-an ever-faithful God whose character never changes. We get to see how much our God loves us as women today.
• To study Old Testament women, we recommend “Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God” (11 lessons) and the shorter version, “The Walk from Fear to Faith” (6 lessons).
• To study New Testament women, we recommend “Live Out His Love” (11 lessons) and the shorter version “Satisfied by His Love” (6 lessons).

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