Revelation 19-20 • Perspective on Jesus’ Kingdom on Earth

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Jesus will be coming back to this planet to set up His Kingdom—the promised Davidic Kingdom. What do you think life will be like during that time? It is okay to think about that future time. As a believer, you will be part of it. Did you know that? In the last post, we gained perspective on some aspects of life in the waiting until Christ comes for us, including how we spend our days. This is post #13 in the Thessalonians series. In this post, we will gain some perspective on our life with Jesus after His second coming to set up His Millennial Kingdom on Earth.
Listen to this blog as a similar podcast from the Perspective Bible Study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians:
God as Ruler
The LORD reigns! Let the earth be happy! Let the many coastlands rejoice! (Psalm 97:1)
The declaration that the LORD reigns is common in the Psalms. I know in my head and believe in my heart that God is ruling His creation. It is hard to see in the practical aspects of real life, though. God tolerates more rebellion and disobedience than any earthly king or dictator I have read about in history or current events. If left to evidence alone, we could easily think that God’s rule is “hands off” and passive and that Satan is really the ruler.
I have to remind myself that God has not gone to sleep (Isaiah 40:28; Psalm 121:4). I read in the New Testament that Jesus is Lord now over everything.
That power is the same as the mighty strength [God] exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. (Ephesians 1:19-23)
Jesus is Lord in heaven now and the King-designate in the already / not yet role of ruling on the throne of David. One day, He will be the King on Planet Earth reigning on David’s throne. In person. In Jerusalem. In charge.
What an amazing thing to consider what Jesus’ earthly Kingdom will be like one day and the human “future millennials” who will experience it!
What We Can Know
Trying to understand all the prophecies about the end times is like having similar puzzle pieces without the picture on the box top to tell you how to arrange them. We can recognize the border pieces and put the four sides of the puzzle together. Those are events we know will definitely happen but not when or how the rest of the pieces fit inside the border. They are introduced to us in 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
- The Rapture takes place. One day, Jesus Christ will appear as Savior to gather His own together in the clouds. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17)
- The Great Tribulation begins. Known as “the day of the Lord,” it is a time during which God’s wrath against sin is directed toward earth. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3)
- The Antichrist is revealed. The man of lawlessness or Antichrist takes over the world with force and deception. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12)
- Christ’s Second Coming. Christ is coming to exact justice against unbelievers and set up His kingdom on earth. (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10)
Those are the 4 sides to our puzzle. The pieces in the middle can only be put together correctly when God begins to work on it. This graphic is a possible timeline for what will take place:
On earth, the Rapture of the believers is a signal that the time of the Gentiles has ended. The Great Tribulation begins. Most of the book of Revelation describes what happens then. Many Jews will believe during the Tribulation as well as some Gentiles. Revelation chapter 19 describes what will happen at the end of the seven years of Tribulation. Jesus will return to earth. The Rapture will only be visible to believers, but His Second Coming will somehow be visible to everyone. Jesus will fight the enemies on earth, defeat them, and set up His Kingdom prophesied so much in both the Old and New Testaments.
The Kingdom Begins on Earth
Jesus returns as victor—with us
Revelation 19 describes Jesus’ triumphant victory over Satan and his cohorts at the end of the Great Tribulation. Based upon my understanding of Scripture, He will be bringing His people with Him. That would include me and you if you are a Christian. We will be coming with Him for the battle where He defeats the Antichrist and all who are fighting with him against God. Victory is assured. Jesus will win!
Jesus claims David’s throne
King Jesus will be king over all. Jerusalem will be His capital. Nations will still form, including Israel. It is a big planet. God is a God of order. Righteousness and justice will prevail globally in all government, for everyone.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Revelation 20 says this kingdom will last 1000 years (Revelation 20:4, 6). A thousand years is called a millennium. So, His kingdom is called the Millennial Kingdom.
Isaiah is filled with descriptions of the Millennial Kingdom, especially in 11:1-10 and 65:20-25. Every Christian who had died on earth or been raptured will be returning with Jesus and will be staying on to serve Him in His Kingdom.
Recommended: Read “1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 • Perspective on Death and the Rapture” and the blog series “Death and Beyond” for more information.
We reign with Him
Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6)
Frankly, it strains my brain to picture what it would be like to live on the earth with Jesus as King way over there in Jerusalem. Only God knows where I will be. Perhaps I will be sent back to live in a newly organized Texas.
One thing I do know is this: We who come back with Him do so in resurrection bodies—immortal bodies without sin. So, when Jesus the King declares something for us to do, we will immediately obey it. No arguing, fighting back, or ignoring. No doing our own thing. That will be different, huh?!
Will we get a daily email or text from Jesus or direct Word through the Spirit (who is with us forever) with our instructions for the day? The Bible teaches that the resurrected saints will be ruling in various ways. We will also be given the authority to judge. We will also be overseeing others. So, the governors and local rulers will likely be resurrected saints always doing the right thing in submission to King Jesus. But who are the “others” we are overseeing?
Future millennials
Those earthly humans who trusted in Christ during the Tribulation will live on past the battle of Armageddon described in Revelation chapter 19. I call them “future millennials.” They will remain on Earth to enter the millennial kingdom in their natural bodies. These are the ones who will produce children during the millennial kingdom, not those in glorified bodies (Mark 12:24-25).
The future millennials are mortal humans dealing with the whole change of rulers with the new rulers always doing the right thing. Can you imagine that? Perfect servant-leaders starting at the top with Jesus.
King Jesus Reigning Over a Partially Restored Earth.
Jesus has all authority over heaven and earth right now. He will one day exercise that authority when He physically rules as king on planet Earth.
Recommended: Read “Mark 1: Jesus and the Kingdom of God“ and “Zechariah 9-14: Your King Comes” for more information about Jesus reigning as King.
Jesus will reign over an earth that is restored in some ways to its original created state. Evil will no longer have free reign on earth. But human life will continue. What do you think life will be like during that time?
Life in the Millennium
Here are some of those good things we can think about:
- Isaiah tells us that animals will revert back to being vegetarian. Animals and people will not fear one another so there will be no fierce, violent, and dangerous creatures. Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25
- Future millennials will marry and have babies. They will live to be well over 100 years again. Never will a baby or child die. Only the wicked will die early. Isaiah 65:20, 23
- People will build houses, plant crops, and eat well. They will work and enjoy the benefits. Work will be a pleasure. Isaiah 65:21-23
- Needs will be addressed immediately because God says in Isaiah 65:24, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
- There is no reason to think there will not be cars, planes, computers, roads, buildings, gardens, and places to decorate and make beautiful.
- Worship will be awesome and focus on Jesus in Jerusalem. Technology could make that possible across the planet. That worship will include resurrected humans and mortal humans.
- Every language will have “Jesus” only as God meaning there is probably one language again. The nations will be one again in spirit and cooperation—united in serving God. All of the nations were affected by the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel. God restored a oneness to believers representing all nations at Pentecost through the indwelling Holy Spirit who makes all believers part of one Body—the Body of Christ. We will be unified as one people on earth calling on the name of Jesus together. Hooray! Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 14:9; Philippians 2:10-11; Revelation 5:6-10
- King Jesus will reign over us in our new bodies, also. God designed our bodies for life on this earth—not to live in heaven, but to live on this earth. Isn’t that interesting? He loves human bodies.
Our service in the Millennium
From Revelation chapter 20, we know this,
“…they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:6)
Resurrected saints will serve as priests in the Kingdom. Will the resurrected saints be the ones teaching the mortal humans all about who Jesus is and how to live dependently on Him? Will there be Bible studies? Scripture says everyone will have knowledge of the Lord in the Kingdom. Perhaps God will use us as messengers. We will also be reigning with Jesus. That means administering justice and order and whatever else He needs us to do.
The Mortal Humans Will Still Have Freedom of Choice
The future millennials who are mortal humans will still have the freedom of choice that God originally gave Adam and Eve. What does human freedom look like in an environment where the Healer will be healing and extending life way beyond our experience now? The Creator will be overruling some of sin’s effects on His creation. How will that affect human thinking? The Judge will be exercising perfect justice. And the King will not tolerate oppression.
But as mortal humans, the future millennials will still have the sin nature, what the Bible calls the flesh. According to Revelation 20, Satan and his demons are bound up for the whole 1000 years so they cannot deceive anyone. If anyone chooses to rebel against the king, it is because of his/her own lusts. No one can blame the world or the devil. And justice will be swift.
At the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be released. He will instigate a rebellion among the non-believing mortals and finally be defeated.
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. (Revelation 20:7-9)
Yes, some of those babies born during the Millennium will grow up into adults who will not submit to Jesus’ rule. Doesn’t it baffle you that anyone living under Jesus’ perfect rule in an almost perfect world would rebel against Him? That is how strong the sin nature is.
Those who rebel against King Jesus will lose the presence of the Lord just as Paul described in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
They refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:10)
It is very sad to know people will reject Jesus with Him in their very sight, doing everything that any human has ever wanted God to do.
Life Forever on a New Earth—Fully Restored Creation
After that time, God’s heaven comes to a newly restored earth. The Scripture calls God’s new dwelling place the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22). Just to visualize the size of this New Jerusalem, picture a gleaming city that extends from Dallas, Texas to the west coast of California and all the way up to the border with Canada. Absolutely beautiful. I consider this moving up. It is going to be so gorgeous and so perfect. Heaven on earth.
Do you imagine what it would be like to live there or come and go from there as we enjoy the rest of the new earth? It is okay to think about that.
When it comes to heaven, we probably have a lot more questions than answers at this time. I remember reading Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven a few years ago, reading it twice because I enjoyed his approach so much. He did not cover the Millennial Kingdom at all. But he really covered questions anyone might ask about living on the new earth.
But one thing I know for sure. If we are living life today as though Jesus were our King ruling on earth, living dependently on Him each day, considering His presence and His will throughout the day (not just in the morning or evening), we will be a whole lot closer to understanding what real Kingdom living is all about.
Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 6:10 that we should pray for His kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. That will happen and you, dear Christian, will be in your glorified body back on earth, doing whatever work Jesus gives to you. You can picture daily life in your community under Jesus’ reign compared to today. What might be the same? What might be different?
The Hope of Heaven
But there is a lot of living to come between now and then as we move around here, then move out to our new bodies, and move back to planet Earth with our King Jesus.
For us, the hope of heaven should transform our perspective on death. Does it for you? The Scriptures nowhere teach that we are immune from the sorrow that death can bring or that we should deny its reality. But in Christ, we share in His victory over death! We grieve, but not as those who have no hope. Rather, we are free to be certain of our reunion with loved ones who have gone before, of receiving a glorious body that will never weaken or decay, of entering a wonderful new life beyond our fondest dreams, and of forever being with this Lord we love and who loves us perfectly!
The process of dying is not easy. Both my parents struggled with cancer before they died. But we can trust our God to provide grace for us when the time comes, when we need it. And He will.
We also should not long to escape this life. Yeah, there is something great to look forward to. The point is not to escape from earth and find oneself at last in heaven but to let God’s heavenly life change our earthly reality. We do that through His power in us—the power that also raised Jesus from the dead. Our freedom begins now, and we have a lot of living ahead of us.
Recommended: Read the rest of the “Thessalonians” series of blogs for information about what is promised for our future as we move out of this body and move into our new bodies.
Let Jesus satisfy your heart with His perspective on life in the present and in the future. Then, live securely in Him during this time of waiting.
The above information is covered in our Perspective Bible Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
Related Resources:
- Satisfied Series 13 Podcasts on 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- When Heaven Comes to Earth on
- Mark 1: Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Zechariah 9-14: Your King Comes
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