Lifestyle Disciplemaking Conference

Invite Melanie to train women for disciplemaking at your next conference

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Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking Retreat with Melanie Newton

Train women to be everyday disciplemakers.

Do you want the women in your church to take others with them as they follow Christ?

“Lifestyle Disciplemaking” messages will lead your audience to become disciplemakers in their everyday lives.

A one-day or weekend conference includes these topics:

  • Session 1—The call to disciplemaking
  • Session 2—Connecting with nonbelievers
  • Session 3—Connecting to share your faith
  • Session 4—Establishing new and young believers
  • Session 5—Establishing in specific settings

All teaching sessions include group brainstorming, personal reflection and prayer time, and several small group discussions to help you get started with disciplemaking.

What you will get from this training:

  • An understanding of what disciplemaking is and how you can do it in your everyday life.
  • Tools to build relationships with nonbelievers around you
  • Tools to help new believers grow in their faith.

This will be the most unique, kingdom-growing retreat you could offer. Jesus commissions us to live for Him as disciplemakers. Help the women in your church be obedient to this commission.

Comment from a women’s ministry director: This was the best women’s ministry seminar that the District has put on. (Martha)

See Melanie’s Retreat Topics.

Get “Leap Into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” and glean what I will be teaching at your retreat.

Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking Book Image

Get the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking” downloads with worksheets to see what our training offers to help women CONNECT with their nonbelieving peers and ESTABLISH new and young Christians around them.

Read the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Series” of blogs to get excited about offering this training to the women of your church.

Watch a short video that introduces the topic of disciplemaking to women.

What women are saying about this conference:

You spoke to our ladies almost 10 years ago. I have used two of your studies to disciple my sister-in-law, a new believer, and they have been very helpful! (Sandy)

I was hoping to reach out to my neighbors and I have had the chance to do that with a few of them one on one. This Friday I am inviting the ladies on my street for coffee. I don’t know why but I have been afraid to go ahead and invite them (I am still fearful now) but I am going to be courageous and do it anyway because I know the Holy Spirit is leading me to invite them:) Please pray that this time would be a blessing to all who attend and that conversations might lead to good friendships and sharing the love of Christ.  (Tiffany)

I know individually many of the women, including myself, who came to the Disciplemaking training have become more intentional about how they live…We are creating a women’s ministry web page that will have a link to your resources. Thank you again for coming and for following up with us. (Amanda)

After attending a Disciplemaking training, I went back to our church and invited the other women in my Sunday class to start working on their 5-minute faith stories to share with each other on Sunday morning. Wow! But that’s not all. As I worked on my own story, the Lord gave me an opportunity to share it a week later with a neighbor–who trusted in Christ after hearing it. We all need to be ready! (Marilyn)

After asking for the list of women who are new attendees to our church, I now write notes to them that say, “I’m praying for you,” and include my cell number with permission to call or text me any time. I personally deliver the note when I see each woman so I can meet her, begin a relationship with her and find out where she is spiritually. (Lynn)

I am affordable. I will work with you and your event budget. We are in Texas but will travel just about anywhere. Download Melanie’s speaker information.

Invite me to speak at your next conference!

Image credit: John Newton, sourced from (8162179887_0c6797557b_o.jpg).