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Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking-paperback


This book will show you what disciplemaking is and how to do it in your everyday life. It includes thought questions useful for group discussion as well as action steps for individuals and ministry leaders.

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    Disciplemaking is trusting in Christ, choosing to follow Him, and grow in your faith while at the same time reaching new people for Christ, building them up in the faith, and helping them reach their peers. Women of all ages and stages of life can learn to share their faith and disciple new believers. Not every Christian woman will become a director, coordinator, or small group leader. But every Christian woman can become a disciplemaker. It is a lifestyle, not a church program. Wherever women gather, disciplemaking can take place there. This book will show you what disciplemaking is and how to do it in your everyday life. It includes thought questions useful for group discussion as well as action steps for individuals and ministry leaders. You can make “lifestyle disciplemaking” a reality for yourself and for your ministry. When you leap into lifestyle disciplemaking, you join the Lord Jesus on His mission in your everyday life. Jesus is the one calling you. He will enable you to do what He asks you to do. You can answer the call and make “lifestyle disciplemaking” a reality in your life. Leap into lifestyle disciplemaking and take others with as you follow Christ. Get a copy for every believer and watch what God does through you!


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