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Connecting Faith to Sight (Genesis 1-11)-paperback


This study of Genesis 1-11 will help you to distinguish biblical truth from the false assumptions you hear and read in our culture. Discover the scientific and historical facts that clearly support what the Bible says about Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and human history. What you see in God’s world agrees with what you read in God’s Word. That is connecting faith to sight!

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    Genesis 1-11 is an account of the origins and history of all life and the universe. It tells of the creation of different kinds of animals and plants as well as the creation of Adam and Eve, the first people. Genesis explains the entrance of sin and death into God’s Creation, and a judgment by water when a worldwide flood destroyed the original world. We are told of the event of the “Tower of Babel” that is important in understanding cultures and nations existing today. And in Genesis, we are given glimpses of God’s plan for restoration of His creation. It is impossible to study Creation, the Curse, the Flood, or the Tower of Babel without studying the relevant scientific and historical information as well. Knowing what happened in the past can give us a basis for explaining the present. If we start with what has been revealed about the events of the past, we have the ability to come to some right conclusions about geology, culture, geography, biology, archeology, and more. If we have the revealed Word of One who knows everything and was there, then a basis exists for having right interpretations about the facts of the present. If we ignore that, then we can never know for sure whether our interpretations are right! This study covers the biblical text and includes reliable scientific and historical information for you to know as you connect your faith to what you see around you. What we read in God’s Word agrees with what we see in God’s World. That is connecting faith to sight!


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