Grace Overflowing Bible Study
The Joy of Christ Living in You (A Study of Paul’s Letters)
13-Lesson overview—Short and easy for anyone new to the Bible
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Do you want to live confidently and joyfully in whatever circumstance you face?
You can learn how to do that in the Grace Overflowing Bible Study. This short and easy study covers Paul’s thirteen letters. Not in detail. But for each one, you will learn a simple phrase that describes how Jesus is the answer to your specific needs and how He meets those needs in your life. Hope, freedom, joy, comfort—all of those are yours through experiencing God’s overflowing grace. Sounds refreshing, doesn’t it?
That is what you will feel as you do this Grace Overflowing Bible Study. Why would you want anything else? Get Grace Overflowing and begin living in God’s grace. See our FAQs.
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What women are saying about this study:
We’re a woman’s small group that wants to study Paul’s 13 letters. Is there a study guide? Might there be a leader guide? Would be thrilled with a DVD. Realize each letter had different focuses, so we don’t want a fast skim. 6 to 13 lessons would be great. Ideas?
A wonderful personal devotional and study. A great review of Paul’s letters even for “mature” Christians.” (Renee)
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More Studies in Paul’s Letters
Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! (Philippians)
The God-Dependent Woman (2 Corinthians)
Perspective (1 and 2 Thessalonians)
Adorn Yourself with Godliness (1 Timothy and Titus)
To Be Found Faithful (2 Timothy)
Healthy Living (Colossians)
Seek the Treasure (Ephesians
FAQ: Paul and His Letters
The New Testament contains 13 of Paul’s letters. Eight of those letters Paul wrote to churches that he had started or had strongly influenced. He wrote five letters specifically to individuals-pastors and church leaders. Through the Grace Overflowing lessons, you will become familiar with the people receiving each letter, the challenges they were facing (similar to our own), and the “grace-overflowing” solutions God gave to them (and to us) through Paul.
God’s grace is His undeserved favor abundantly poured out on those who desperately need Him. It is God giving favor to someone, not because they are good enough to deserve it but because His love chooses to do so. God chooses to have His grace overflowing to every believer from the moment of salvation. You received this grace overflowing to your life the moment you trusted in Jesus Christ. And, God’s grace is overflowing to your life every day because you are in Christ.
In his letters, Paul presents Christ as everything we need for life. Our God wants us to learn to live dependently on His Son as we live out our daily lives. Paul teaches us how to do this through his letters. Each of Paul’s letters presents Christ as the answer to specific needs we have and how He meets those needs in our lives as we trust in Him to do it. For example,
• In Romans, Christ is our righteousness.
• In Galatians, Christ is our freedom from the law.
• In Colossians, Christ is Lord over everything.
You will discover all of this in the Grace Overflowing Bible Study. You can experience God’s grace overflowing through Christ to your life every day.
Image credit: photo by John Newton, sourced at (image 10681069433)