Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study
A Joy-Seeker’s Guide to a Rewarding Spiritual Life
6 Lessons with Podcasts—Short and Easy for anyone new to the Bible
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Picture in your mind one of the most enjoyable walks you have ever taken. What made it so enjoyable?
Choices are made daily, weekly, and yearly to follow pathways that lead you on a joyful walk. Or you can end up on one that is frustrating and destructive. I prefer the joyful walk. Don’t you?
What are the right pathways? We will answer that question in Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study. It is a short and easy study that covers the key aspects of our Christian life that become pathways for our faith walk. Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study will lead you on a joyful walk with Jesus. See our FAQs.
Pathways to a Joyful Walk retreat:
We offer this topic as a retreat. For more information, go to Melanie’s Retreat Topics.
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“Pathways to a Joyful Walk” podcasts
What women are saying about this study:
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with our women at the retreat. I have heard many comments from ladies about how they were encouraged by what you shared.
This Bible study was clear and encouraging! It pointed you to the Bible to see how to live a life of joy no matter your circumstances or challenges. I was able to reflect on the material and find joy on a daily basis. It was clear and easy to do. I liked the podcasts and notes within the material which enriched my learning and application. This study pointed me to truth in God’s Word. (Kim)
A treasure of a study. Amazing study for new and seasoned believers. Short and easy lessons to get to know God better and to learn or be reminded of His promises for us. Great study to give direction to attain a life filled with joy! (Anna)
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More Joyful Christian Life Studies:
Graceful Living (essential truths for a joyful Christian life)
Graceful Living Today devotional journal (Graceful Living Bible Study in daily bite-size chunks)
A Fresh Start (for new and young Christians)
FAQ: What Is a Joyful Walk?
The world defines joy as happiness from good happenings, like success, good health, and good fortune. But, if circumstances aren’t so good, it’s very hard to have a joyful walk if that’s your definition of joy. But, for believers in Jesus Christ, we have access to a different kind of joy—biblical joy. Biblical joy is a deep, inner gladness, regardless of circumstances, regardless of people or things. It doesn’t find its source in anything earthly. Biblical joy is supernatural. It is inseparable from the character of God and comes only from a relationship with Him and is available to every believer.
Did you know that the Bible calls your whole life a “walk” of faith? If you have trusted in Jesus Christ, you are now on a faith walk. Physical walking is a process of movement in a specific direction trusting your legs to support your body weight. Similarly, a faith walk is a process of moving forward with Jesus Christ by your side, learning to trust His strength to support you, and being rewarded with His joy. You must choose the right pathways to get there.
A pathway is a way of achieving a specified result. If you are you a joy-seeker, then you want a guide to the right pathways to find joy in your spiritual life.
The right pathways to take for your faith walk are knowing Jesus Christ, basking in God’s grace to you, grasping your identity, choosing whom you will serve every day, claiming your freedom from bondage, and moving forward with perseverance through every trial. Pathways to a Joyful Walk lessons will guide you to the pathways for achieving a faith walk that is full of joy. That is the reward.
Knowing Jesus…Knowing Joy! is a study of Philippians-Paul’s letter full of joy in the Lord. Graceful Living Bible Study leads you to experience a life of freedom and joy as does the related devotional Graceful Living Today.
Image credit: John Newton, sourced from (8162179887_0c6797557b_o.jpg).