Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God: Walk from Fear to Faith

Old Testament Women Bible Study

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide

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Also in Spanish and Indonesian

Do you find yourself living in fear? Are you looking for God’s help to overcome that fear?

Here’s the truth: Fear is a normal human emotion designed by God to alert us to danger so that we will take action against it. Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God Bible Study will teach you how to do that. Get a glimpse into the lives of sixteen Old Testament women who learned how to overcome their fear.

In Everyday Women Ever-Faithful God, you will learn four truths you can embrace. You will also learn a process using those four truths to apply faith to any fear in your life. Your walk from fear to faith begins as you count on these truths and live each day believing they are true. Give this book a try and learn to trust God with any fear now!

Get “Everyday Women” here.

“Everyday Women” podcasts

What women are saying about this study:

I did this study and I really enjoyed it and learned new things about women that I thought I knew already. Thank you.

What I loved particularly about this study was how she tackled 4 truths about God that would help women let go of their fears and embrace faith. This study touches on heart issues of which many women struggle and helps provide practical ways to address those heart issues. This is an excellent study of Old Testament women. The Word of God is handled accurately and respectfully. (Jennifer)

One of the best Bible study guides I’ve ever had.

Our women loved this study and learned so much!

We love your studies. Our Bible study group in Branson has done them for a long time. Thank you!!

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Spanish Version of an older study:

Cada dia mujer

I lead a group of pastors’ wives and leaders’ wives in Juarez MX. It is hard to find teaching material that is relevant to them and in English for me to study better and in Spanish for them to understand the lesson. I am delighted to see you have this study. (Marie)

Get “Cada Dia Mujer” here.

Indonesian Version of an older study:

As I was scrolling down through the list of studies, I had to look twice to make sure that I saw correctly! I found the series on Everyday Women! And already in Indonesian language! When I prayed for God to lead me, I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked when He does! (Paula)

FAQ: Old Testament Women and Fear

How is fear a gift of God?

Fear is a normal human emotion designed by God to alert us to danger so that we will take action against it. In that way, fear is a gift. God gave us that gift before sin (Genesis 2:19) and uses it to motivate us to obedience. But we know fear has a dark side as well. I heard someone say that women are a fear-driven, performance-oriented species. Just reading the daily Facebook feed can panic us. Is it realistic to think we can live without fear? No! Fear will happen. We can let fear take root in us so that we give way to panic and hysteria. When we are afraid, God wants us to trust Him and not give way to fear. Learning to do that is our walk from fear to faith.

What will you learn from the “Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God” study?

Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God leads you through the lives of 17 Old Testament women on their walk from fear to faith. You will learn 4 truths you can embrace: God loves you, God knows what is going on in your life, God can do something about it, and you can trust His goodness in what He chooses to do. You will also learn a process using those 4 truths to apply faith to any fear in your life. Download: “Applying Faith to Fear Bookmark.”

What does it mean to trust God?

Trust is usually defined as a firm belief in the character, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. In our walk from fear to faith, that trust is in God. As we study the lives of Sarah, Miriam, Rahab, and others, we’ll see an ever-faithful personal God in action. These Old Testament women knew God by the personal name Yahweh. Yahweh means, “I am.” This name expressed His character as constant, dependable and faithful. He’s always present with us.

Why is it important to study the women of the Bible?

Bible women were everyday women like we are today. They cooked meals, did laundry, and raised children. They had responsibilities inside and outside of their homes, including home businesses. They experienced hormone fluctuations and menopause. They laughed with their friends, differed with their mates, and cried when a loved one died. They wrote songs and played musical instruments. Their hair needed to be combed and fixed, and it turned grey as they aged. They faced fear from invading enemies, sick family members, and empty pantries. They faced creditors and surprise houseguests. They even had “bad” days when things didn’t go right, sometimes due to their own choices. Their stories—snippets of their biographies—are preserved for us to get to know them, and to know their God who is also our God—an ever-faithful God whose character never changes. We get to see how much our God loves us as women today.

What are the best studies about women?

To study Old Testament women, we recommend “Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God” (11 lessons) and the shorter version, “The Walk from Fear to Faith” (6 lessons). To study New Testament women, we recommend “Live Out His Love” (11 lessons) and the shorter version “Satisfied by His Love” (6 lessons).

What is the best way to study the Bible?

The best way to study the Bible uses the inductive process. First, carefully observe the text. What does it actually say? Then, interpret the text. What was the author’s intended meaning for the audience that would read or hear it, including us today? And finally, apply what you learn. How do you live this out in your life? This is the best way to study the Bible. Look at what is there. Learn what it means and teaches you. Then, live it out in your life. All “Joyful Walk Bible Studies” use the inductive process.

Image credits: women picture sourced from jw.org (502019181_univ_lss_lg.jpg); cross picture sourced from MaxPixel.net (MaxPixel.net-Spirit-Christ-Jesus-Gospel-Bible-Holy-Cross-God-5024110.jpg)