No Jerks on the Job: Take Back Control of Your Workplace

For anyone in a workplace situation dealing with difficult people

By Ron Newton

No Jerks on the Job by Ron Newton. Check it out at

  • 9 chapters
  • Includes ways to overcome the damage caused by jerks in a workplace
  • Not a Bible Study but based on biblical principles.
  • Best done if everyone on a work team has a copy to discuss and make the necessary changes together

Are you dealing with jerks in your workplace?

My husband, Ron Newton, spent years of running a unique wilderness camp program for troubled youth. The lessons he learned from that experience provide answers to overcoming the problems caused by “value-challenged” managers and employees. Those workplace jerks. Ron’s book addresses this problem and offers workable solutions for you.

No Jerks on the Job illustrates concise and effective “jerk-busting” solutions that will return positive productivity to a formerly damaged business environment.

Though not a Bible Study, No Jerks on the Job shows how to overcome workplace people problems through the biblical principles of accountability, transparency, compassion, and patience. Ron writes in a winsome, relational style to illustrate those principles.

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What others are saying about this book:

Ron Newton connects real-life patterns of troubled adolescent behavior to similar problems in business. Through his entertaining stories from both campsite and boardroom, he reveals concise and effective “jerk-busting” solutions that will return positive productivity to a formerly damaged business environment.

Buy the paperback here.

What will you learn from “No Jerks on the Job?”

No Jerks on the Job vividly describes the world of relational hand-to-hand combat with problem workers and dysfunctional work cultures. Ron connects real-life patterns of troubled adolescent behavior to similar problems in business. Through his entertaining stories from both campsite and boardroom, he reveals concise and effective “jerk-busting” solutions that will return positive productivity to a formerly damaged business environment.

How will this book help you as a believer?

Since No Jerks on the Job is written from a secular point of view, it opens the door for believers in the workplace to help solve the confounding behavior problems that haunt the secular workplace. This book is especially helpful if you are a business owner or manager. But, any employee will find useful encouragement and advice to use biblical principles to deal with workplace jerks. Buy a copy for your whole work team and make the changes to your work environment together.

Which books of the Bible address workplace issues?

We recommend working through the book of Colossians. Colossians shows you how to approach many practical areas of life living God’s way rather than the world’s way. And, it helps you build godly relationships with those around you. Start with our “Healthy Living Bible Study” of Colossians. The books of Ephesians, 1 Timothy, and 1 Thessalonians also address topics related to work.