A Fresh Start Bible Study
Begin Your Life in Christ with Confidence and Joy (for new Christians)
8 Lessons—Short and easy for anyone new to the Bible
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Are you a new Christian? Or have you attended church for a while but feel like you don’t understand what you’ve heard?
A Fresh Start is the ideal place for you to start learning about the spiritual riches and abundant life that God has prepared for you. You will discover what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and how to live out your life “in Christ” daily.
A Fresh Start has short, easily understood Bible lessons, designed for anyone regardless of your experience with the Bible. It is the perfect Bible Study for new Christians and anyone else who needs a fresh start with God. See our FAQs.
Get “A Fresh Start” here.
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Related blogs:

- Pathway #1: Start with Knowing Jesus Christ
- Pathway #2: Bask in the Grace of God
- Pathway #3: Grasp Who You Are
- Pathway #4: Choose Whom You Will Serve
- Pathway #5: Claim Your Freedom in Christ
- Pathway #6: Keep Moving Forward
- Establish: Give Believers Strong Roots
- Establish: Nurture Women Who Are New to the Bible
What others are saying about this study:
I love all of Melanie’s studies. I have used them with all levels of women. I have just completed this one with 2 different groups. It covers all the basics and secures one’s faith. Her studies are super easy for the leader. I love the memory verses and the Discover Jesus section. We are going to Portrait of Jesus next. (Kelly)
I used your Fresh Start study one-on-one with a brand new believer. She has grown tremendously and both of us concur, your study of foundational Truth has been critical. I presented it to my Pastor for consideration to disciple new believers one-on-one, which is also crucial, which he approved! It is truthful, simple but not condescending or overwhelming. Thank you for such a foundational presentation of the Gospel and God’s Word. (Deane)
My Bible study group is a mixed lot of new believes and others that have been in the faith for years. It has something for everyone and such a unique way to present it. I learn something new each in each and every section. Thank you for making it so easy to share the word! (Anonymous)
I am using your Fresh Start study to disciple new believers with great success. It provides a one-on-one, personal foundation to new believers before becoming overwhelmed in group Bible studies and church community. When they finish Fresh Start they are rooted and grounded with a love for Christ and ready to grow. Thank you and bless you! (Donna)
“I love your ministry! I did your Fresh Start study with a group of ladies and all were so encouraged in their faith. (Janet)
Submit your review here.
More Short and Easy Studies:
Painting the Portrait of Jesus (the “I Am’s” of Jesus in John)
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FAQ: Being a New Christian
New Christians should start with something written especially for anyone who is new to the Bible and new to the Christian life. Start with the book, “A Fresh Start,” the ideal place for new Christians to begin learning about the spiritual riches and abundant life that God has prepared for you. Get to know Jesus as you work through this book. Ask Him to fill your heart with His love as you learn about Him.
“A Fresh Start” will introduce any new Christian to God and His way of approaching life. The study emphasizes the love-relationship with God you were designed to enjoy and explains basic concepts about how to live by faith in God every day. This study will help you find a local church community to join. This is the first book in the Graceful Beginning Series of short and easy Bible Study books for anyone new to the Bible. If you are discipling a new Christian, this book will help her to get a solid foundation of truth about Christ.
If you are new to reading the Bible, start with the life of Jesus from the book of Mark in the New Testament. Start at the beginning of Mark and read as much as you want to read each day.
Yes! Anyone can study the Bible Study for themselves. The Bible is God’s Word for every one of us. Just start reading through the New Testament. The Holy Spirit will help you understand what you are reading. That is what God desires for you so He makes sure you are enabled to do it. So, you can ask the Lord to teach you through what you are reading.
Image credit: photo by John Newton, sourced at flickr.com (2390834799_3f5872858a_o.jpg)