Connecting Faith to Sight Bible Study

Study Genesis 1-11 from a Biblical, Scientific, & Historical Perspective

7 Lessons with scientific and historical evidence to support the biblical account

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Are you bothered by the conflicting messages you get from what the Bible teaches about God’s creation of everything and what the world says happened?

Genesis 1-11 is an account of the origins and history of all life and the universe. It tells of the creation of different kinds of animals and plants as well as the creation of Adam and Eve, the first people. Genesis explains the entrance of sin and death into God’s Creation, and a judgment by water when a worldwide flood destroyed the original world. We are told of the event of the “Tower of Babel” that is important in understanding cultures and nations existing today. And in Genesis, we are given glimpses of God’s plan for restoration of His creation.

This study of Genesis 1-11 will help you to distinguish biblical truth from the false assumptions you hear and read in our culture. Discover the scientific and historical facts that clearly support what the Bible says about Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and human history.

What you see in God’s World agrees with what you read in God’s Word. That is connecting faith to sight!. See our FAQs.

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Newton, Melanie

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FAQ: Genesis 1-11 and Faith

Why should you study Genesis 1-11?

All that we know about life starts with Genesis 1-11. Nearly every Biblical doctrine is based on Genesis 1-11. You begin with the story of God’s perfect creation followed by its corruption through evil. From there, you will see how the rest of the Bible carries out the theme of God’s work of restoring His creation back to perfection. The themes of CREATION and RESTORATION are consistent from the first book, Genesis, to the last book, Revelation.

Can you believe what is written in Genesis 1-11?

Yes. Jesus confirmed the truth of Genesis 1-11 in His own teaching. When you start with believing what God said He did, then look for evidence for it, you will certainly find all that you need to confirm that what is written actually happened as it says. I highly recommend these two websites full of credible scientific research confirming the creation and flood accounts in the Bible. (Institute for Creation Research) and

What is God’s work of restoration in a person’s life?

God’s work of creation and restoration is for your life as well. When you trust in Him, you are made into a new creation and brought into a relationship that restores what God wanted for all humans when He made us. Doing this study will grow your appreciation for who God is and all that God has promised for your future. Knowing how the Bible ties everything together will help you connect your faith to life as you see it around you. Will you let God’s promise of restoration give you hope for today and the future?

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