The Walk from Fear to Faith: Trusting God with Your Fears

A study of 6 Old Testament women

6 Lessons with Podcasts—Short and Easy for anyone new to the Bible

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Are you looking for God’s help to overcome your fear?

Fear is a normal human emotion designed by God to alert us to danger so that we will take action against it. The Walk from Fear to Faith study will teach you how to do that. This short and easy study looks at 6 Old Testament women who learned how to trust God and overcome their fear. The Walk from Fear to Faith Bible Study will teach you four truths that you can embrace and a process using those four truths to apply faith to any fear in your life.

Fear to Faith retreat:

I also offer this topic in a retreat format. For more information, go to Melanie’s Retreat Topics.

Get “The Walk from Fear to Faith” here.

Download related lessons for children

“Fear to Faith” podcasts

What others are saying about this study:

Watch this video from Jackie Hardy, Director of Love on You Mommy Ministry, recommending this study to you.

I did this with a women’s Bible study group and loved it! The format was great and led to some incredible discussions. Learned so much! (Marilyn)

I enjoyed the study thoroughly and you helped me view women in the Bible from a new perspective. Putting myself in their shoes helped me see them in a new light and also to actually remember who they were and what they did. Loved it! (C)

I completed the study “The Walk From Fear to Faith” with a group of ladies, from younger to older. It lead to some very good, helpful discussions. The study is not hard but with questions to help think through the response of the Old Testament woman to a certain situation in her life and what we can learn from that for our own walk with God.

The Walk from Fear to Faith is not a difficult study, but a very rewarding study of how women of the Bible trusted God when they faced their own weaknesses and their enemies, as well as times of waiting on the Lord, wondering what the future may hold. It encourages us to see how big our God is in the midst of life’s challenges. I did this with a group of ladies at our church and was blessed by it.

Love this study. I ordered a second one for a friend! (Elizabeth)

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FAQ: Old Testament Women and Fear

How is fear a gift of God?

Fear is a normal human emotion designed by God to alert us to danger so that we will take action against it. In that way, fear is a gift. But, we know fear has a dark side as well. I heard someone say that women are a fear-driven, performance-oriented species. Just reading the daily Facebook feed can panic us. Is it realistic to think we can live without fear? No! Fear will happen. We can let fear take root in us so that we give way to panic and hysteria. When we are afraid, God wants us to trust Him and not give way to fear. Learning to do that is our walk from fear to faith.

What will you learn through “The Walk from Fear to Faith” study?

The Walk from Fear to Faith leads you through the lives of several Old Testament women on their walk from fear to faith. You will learn 4 truths you can embrace: God loves you, God knows what is going on in your life, God can do something about it, and you can trust His goodness in what He chooses to do. You will also learn a process using those 4 truths to apply faith to any fear in your life. Download: “Applying Faith to Fear Bookmark.”

What does it mean to trust God?

Trust is usually defined as a firm belief in the character, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. In our walk from fear to faith, that trust is in God. As we study the lives of Sarah, Miriam, Rahab, and others, we’ll see an ever-faithful personal God in action. These Old Testament women knew God by the personal name Yahweh. Yahweh means, “I am.” This name expressed His character as constant, dependable and faithful. He’s always present with us.

Why is it important to study the women of the Bible?

You will see in The Walk from Fear to Faith that Bible women were everyday women like we are today. They cooked meals, did laundry, and raised children. They had responsibilities inside and outside of their homes, including home businesses. They experienced hormone fluctuations and menopause. They laughed with their friends, differed with their mates, and cried when a loved one died. They wrote songs and played musical instruments. Their hair needed to be combed and fixed, and it turned grey as they aged. They faced fear from invading enemies, sick family members, and empty pantries. They faced creditors and surprise houseguests. They even had “bad” days when things didn’t go right, sometimes due to their own choices. Their stories—snippets of their biographies—are preserved for us to get to know them, and to know their God who is also our God—an ever-faithful God whose character never changes. We get to see how much our God loves us as women today.

What are the best studies about women?

To study Old Testament women, we recommend “Everyday Women, Ever-Faithful God” (11 lessons) and the shorter version, “The Walk from Fear to Faith” (6 lessons). To study New Testament women, we recommend “Live Out His Love” (11 lessons) and the shorter version “Satisfied by His Love” (6 lessons)

How can I study the Bible at home?

If you can’t be part of an established group, you certainly can study the Bible on your own at home. Ask the Lord to help you choose a Bible Study guide that focuses on a book of the Bible. We recommend you start with any of the “Graceful Beginning Series”of Bible study books on our website that are short and easy to do. Once you have the book, set aside some time to work through the lesson. Most of our studies have related podcasts to enhance your own study so listen to those.

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