Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study

A Study of 1 Timothy and Titus

11 Lessons with Podcasts and Discussion Guide

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Do you long to be more beautiful? Could you do just one thing to look just the way you would like to look?

You can do that! Every day, you can adorn yourself with godliness. Godliness is devotion to God expressed in a life that is pleasing to Him. It flows out of your love for God and gratitude for what He has done for your salvation. Studying 1st Timothy and Titus will show you how you can adorn yourself with godliness, just like the title suggests. You have everything you need for godliness through the Spirit of God who lives inside you and is continually at work in you. Godliness is good for you in every way and for those around you. Others are watching. You can never be more beautiful than to adorn yourself with the very character of God so that your life displays the beliefs you claim to profess. Get this Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study and choose to “dress,” act, and be like Him—for Him! See our FAQs.

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Newton, Melanie

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What women are saying about this study:

I connected with Melanie’s bible studies in 2020, during coved, my church did not have women’s bible studies at that time. I looked online and found Melanie’s studies. I love them and have been doing them from that time until today. I have done John (Jesus satisfies our hearts), Acts, 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus. They are easy to follow and at the same time makes you dig into the word for truth and understanding. The questions are very thought provoking, and you daily see God and His power, His love, His goodness, and His control in all areas of life. Melanie’s studies are highly recommended they truly satisfy your heart with the word of God and keep you faithful. Thank you, Melanie. (Diane)

Love this study!! It’s a GREAT study. It is good for people who don’t know the Bible as well as others who do. I find myself looking forward each day to find our more about what is new in the Bible for me. I love the way she really makes you think about what the bible is really saying to you. I highly recommend studies by Melanie. (Patti)

Melanie does an excellent job of giving background of what is happening during the time of the writing of the scripture. Context is so important when studying the Bible. She then shows how the Scripture still applies to us today. I was sad to see the study end.

I was searching for a Bible Study for our neighborhood group, and yours came up on the search. I’m so glad I found it. Your study was easy to follow, and you gave many new insights that I had never heard. You have been a blessing to me. (Barbara)

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Adornate con Piedad

Spanish Version of an older study (no podcasts in Spanish):

Thank you for letting me translate this study into Spanish to use with my group in Bolivia. (Kerry-Ann Chambers)

Get “Adornate con Piedad” here.

FAQ: 1 Timothy and Titus

Who wrote 1 Timothy and Titus?

The apostle Paul identifies himself as the author of 1 Timothy and Titus. Paul left 2 of his trusted friends-Timothy in Ephesus and Titus on the island of Crete-to continue the work of teaching the truth and resisting error creeping into the young churches there. These letters we have in our Bible were written to encourage the young pastors, reminding them to teach and train others to be faithful to the true Gospel. Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus are called “pastoral epistles” because for the most part they are Paul’s counsel to his assistants who served in the pastoral or shepherd-like function of those local churches, particularly in the regions of Ephesus and Crete.

Who was Timothy?

Timothy was born and reared in Lystra (central Turkey). His mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, were devout Jews who became believers in Christ. Timothy first heard Paul preach the gospel on Paul’s first visit to Lystra and trusted in Christ. When Paul came back to Lystra, Timothy joined Paul on the rest of his second missionary journey. During that time, Timothy helped to establish churches at Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. Six of Paul’s epistles to churches include Timothy in the salutations meaning Timothy was with him when Paul wrote the letters. After Paul’s release from prison (around 62 AD), Timothy and Paul traveled to Ephesus where Timothy was left to care for the church. Paul wrote 1 Timothy around 64 A.D. from Rome or Macedonia. Paul wrote 2 Timothy (~ 67 AD) while Timothy was still in Ephesus.

Who was Titus?

Titus was a Greek who listened to Paul’s preaching and believed in Jesus. Paul brought him to Jerusalem (Galatians 2:1-4) to show the apostles and other Jewish believers how a Greek non-Jew could love God just as much as they did. Titus traveled with Paul on missionary journeys, helping in the work of sharing the gospel. During the 3 years Paul was teaching in Ephesus, Titus was there. Then, Paul sent him to Corinth to alleviate tension at that church (2 Corinthians 7:6-16) and to collect money for the poor (2 Corinthians 8:6-23). Paul thought of Titus not only as a very faithful friend but also as his spiritual son because he had led him to trust Christ. After Paul was released from the Roman prison where he had been for two years, he and Titus traveled to the island of Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to continue teaching the new Christians and to appoint church leaders for each new church. Paul wrote to Titus soon after writing 1 Timothy.

What is godliness?

Godliness is devotion to God expressed in a life that is pleasing to Him. It also means to take on His likeness as we present Him to the world around us. Attributes of godliness are those same ones found in our Lord Jesus Christ-humility, compassion, love, prayer, dependency on God the Father, and many more. Read my blog “Adorn Yourself with Godliness” for more understanding of what this means.

What does it mean to adorn yourself?

The English word “adorn” translates the Greek word kosmeo from which we get our word “cosmetic.” It means, “to arrange, to put in order.” Whenever you are applying your make-up, you are actually putting your face in order. When you get ready for a job interview, you’re arranging yourself in such a way by what you wear and how you act to demonstrate that you are truly the right person for the job! What could be a more beautiful, worthwhile goal than to aspire to adorn yourself with godliness, to put yourself in order with the very character of God—to arrange or live your life properly displaying the beliefs you claim to profess? Christians should strive to “dress,” act, and be like Him for Him!

Why should you adorn yourself with godliness?

Your adornment is important because those who oppose Christ and the Gospel (the “fashion police”) are always watching, looking for an excuse not to believe. When you adorn ourselves with godliness, there is nothing for “them” to accuse. Then, the word of God, God’s message to the world that you profess, will not be dishonored or discredited (Titus 2:5).

What will you learn from studying 1 Timothy and Titus?

The Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study looks closely at two of Paul’s letters: 1st Timothy and Titus. You will learn that you have everything you need for godliness through the Spirit of God who lives inside you and is continually at work in you. You can never be more beautiful than to adorn yourself with the very character of God so that your life displays the beliefs you claim to profess. Approach your world every morning as you do your mirror—getting ready to present His Body to an ugly world, desperately in need of adornment. You can choose to “dress,” act, and be like Him—for Him. That’s adorning yourself with godliness.

Which letter of Paul’s should you study next?

We recommend working through the book of Colossians. It includes a lot of wonderful information about Jesus Christ that you should know. It also shows you what God does for you whenever you choose to put your faith in His Son. Colossians shows you how to approach many practical areas of life living God’s way rather than the world’s way. And, it helps you build godly relationships with those around you. Start with our “Healthy Living Bible Study”of Colossians. If you want an overview of all of Paul’s letters to get a good perspective of what they teach, work through the short and easy study “Grace Overflowing” before studying Colossians. Ask the Lord to show you where to start.

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